What if I said it was a bit humerus? :type:Humorous??? Humorous??? When someone dies you call that funny?? Man oh man I am saddened by the attitude I see in some Reformed whom do nothing but give Arminian ammunition against us.
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What if I said it was a bit humerus? :type:Humorous??? Humorous??? When someone dies you call that funny?? Man oh man I am saddened by the attitude I see in some Reformed whom do nothing but give Arminian ammunition against us.
Aren't you the one who is always pumping some book you are reading?
You don't know what way I am turning people. The right people APPRECIATE the raw truth.
People, by and large, are morons. That's biblical. Common sense is stupidity. Common means the way the majority thinks and does things. Well, the majority gave this country Barack Obama as president. The majority of Germans gave the world Hitler.
Any Christian who wants to be led by common sense in a world where most people are idiots is, well, pretty common.
That's the problem.
Christians ought to be led by UNCOMMON sense.
What if I said it was a bit humerus? :type:
That's an oversimplification of the issue. When Jim Elliot went to minister to a dangerous tribe he felt he was obeying God's command no less than Coots felt handling snakes was obeying God's command. Both took up a dangerous activity seeking to obey God. Was Jim Elliot disobeying God and putting God to the test?
How many semesters of seminary have you had, and you see a command to handle snakes? You undo your own argument.No. Neither was Coots IF Coots was right about the command to handle snakes.
It wasn't his lack of education as much as a heresy that had crept in. No amount of seminary is going educate the lust for signs and wonders out of a man. Christ did not say that an ignorant generation seeks after signs, He said that an evil and adulterous generation seeks after signs.That was what killed Coots. His lack of being taught properly.
*sigh*Changing words?
The humerus (/ˈhjuːmərəs/; ME from Latin humerus, umerus upper arm, shoulder; cf. Gothic ams shoulder, Greek ōmos. Plural: humeri) is a long bone in the arm or forelimb that runs from the shoulder to the elbow.
Luke the Bible says to pray and love people.
It does not say to personally insult them.
No, the difference is that missions is commanded, and snake handling is not.
How many semesters of seminary have you had, and you see a command to handle snakes? You undo your own argument.
It wasn't his lack of education as much as a heresy that had crept in.
No amount of seminary is going educate the lust for signs and wonders out of a man. Christ did not say that an ignorant generation seeks after signs, He said that an evil and adulterous generation seeks after signs.
To be brutally honest, pride and a desire for the preeminence are the chief factors in congregations focused on ecstatic manifestations and exhibitionistic worship styles.
That's what killed Coots.
It was Coots time to die, if a snake hadn't of bit him a truck would have run over him or a heart attack. The snake was a secondary cause, God is always the first cause. Every man has an appointed time upon this earth.
Why are you complaining about this guy Coots Luke? According to you, this is exactly what God ordained before Coots was ever born, it could not have happened any other way.
If people are idiots as you believe, then according to your view it was God's will that people should be idiots. You should be rejoicing.
Just another example of how stupid your view really is.
No, it doesn't. Not anymore than pearls can transform swine.Yes, education DOES do exactly that.
Nope. It's just another example of how stupid people can't understand it.
No, it doesn't. Not anymore than pearls can transform swine.
You seem to be the one who can't understand your own view. If God ordains everything that comes to pass, then it is God's will that Coots and many other people are idiots. Again, you should be rejoicing, not complaining.
Yea, but Winman, its more complex than that. God's will is more complex than that. That's why you can't get it, Bud. Simple minds cannot consume complex ideas.
I'd try to explain the thing about different wills in God again to you, but you won't get it. Its like trying to explain calculus to a five year old. You are not a Calvinist because Arminianism, on the surface, is simple. That's all you can handle.
I know some people would look at Coots death like this, Just one more false preacher God has removed from this earth. One thing about it, he won't be deceiving anyone else.Everything is appointed. That doesn't mean we don't try to find out immediate causes.
Do we look at millions of children dying in Africa and just say, "Well, it was their time to die! Oh WELL!! No need to try to find out what's killing them."
No. We find out immediate causes and we answer God's call to help them. That's what we do.
We should do the same with Coots. What REALLY killed this man? Saying a snake killed him is a gross oversimplification. It's like not hunting for a shooter who murdered someone because you conclude a bullet killed his victims.
Ignorance killed Jamie Coots. The snake was just the murder weapon.
But arrogance is what KEPT Coots ignorant. The kind of arrogance that keeps a man from looking outside his holler for more information and help in text interpretation. "I don't need no help. The Holy GHOST done spoke to me!!"
That kind of arrogance is killing Christianity in America as dead as it killed Coots.
There are NUMEROUS people on this very SITE who are that arrogant. People who thumb their noses at books and colleges and seminaries. People who think God speaks to them and that they don't NEED any instructors.
And people like me who call them on it are the ones called arrogant because people are so ignorant they don't even know what true arrogance is. They are wrong on just about everythign.
Humility says, "Ok, this is what this text seems to mean to me. But what have many other Christians thought it meant throughout two thousand years of Church History and why did they think that. I want their help. I may not agree but I am not God and I need the Body of Christ."
That's humility.
Arrogance, the kind that killed Coots, says, "I don't need no stinkin' books!! I don't need no stinkin counsel! Da Holy Ghost done TOLD me what it means!!!"
That's what killed him.
That kind of arrogance is an immeasurably more potent poison and far more prevalent than the venom of the snake that bit him.
Right, only YOU know God's mind. And you call other people arrogant.![]()
This fellow believed he could handle snakes because he had been taught by others to believe that, just as you have been taught to believe Calvinism even though probably half the Bible refutes it.