No, Bud. You are the one who thinks he needs no instructors. You are the one who does not care about what Bible believing Christians have thought for two thousand years. I DO care about those things. I try my thoughts by theirs.
You don't.
So you are quite LITERALLY the one who thinks "only YOU know God's mind."
I am not the one making statements about God other than to show scripture. I showed scripture that literally shows God calling and stretching out his hands to people to come to him. That is clearly begging Luke and you KNOW it.
You know it, but that would be unacceptable to your teachers, so you must cave in and parrot what they say, even though you know in your heart God is begging these people to be saved.
Man up.
He was told by people in some backwater holler that were disconnected from the larger body of Christ just like you. He, like you, did not see the value of a multitude of counselors. He, like you thought that God spoke to him and told him what the Bible meant.
You are the one that cannot think for yourself and believes what you are told. I know without being told that handling poisonous snakes is dangerous.
I also know that Mark 16 was fulfilled by Paul when the poisonous snake latched onto his arm.
See, if you study the Bible instead of letting other people think for you you will not be deceived by error.
He and you have a lot in common.
He has WAAAY more in common with you. Or rather HAD.
What I have done is study outside the tiny isolated world in which I was raised. I have sought the help of the larger Body of Christ. I have cared what Christians outside of backwater IFB movements have thought about texts of Scripture. You have not. You are limited to Sword of the Lord type literature and your very poor handling of the Scripture (King James at that because you espouse another backwater doctrine known as KJVO like Jamie Coots did).
You are a trip.
And yet you are totally messed up. Oh well, the best laid plans of mice and men...