I'm a member of a Southern Baptist church, but I'm more of a Christian "mutt". During my Christian walk, I've attended Presbyterian, Assembly of God, and several non-denominational churches. Additionally, I've also attended Army chapel services and missionary home churches while I was in the Army. I've felt at home in each of them, but never completely agreed with any of them on all doctrines. I like this site for the same reason that I like this church. As was mentioned earlier, Baptists are generally very welcoming. I enjoy the discussions here, even when others disagree with my views. Generally, I find the members of this forum very cordial and mature. We may not always agree, but we can remain friendly, as we agree on our core Christian beliefs.
[EDIT] Forgot to mention - along the way, I've also picked up some Reformed Theology (Calvinist) doctrines. I chew the meat of what I pick up and spit out the bones that I don't agree with.