Where is such a concept supported in the text? I've shown you were it clearly states the conditions for condemnation under Adam and salvation under Christ, so can you show me where that is different from God's perspective in scripture. And where the federal headship relates to election and not salvation? Where are you getting that?
But in your view it is really God's fault and not the fault of the man (soil), because God condemned that man from birth because of Adam's sin and he could not have done otherwise. You view impugns God's holiness and make Him ultimately culpable for the rejection of the gospel by mankind.
I would say that differently. It is living because it is a tool in God's hand...but as Paul says God is making his appeal through us because he has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
And who is responsible for the condition of their heart? Doesn't Romans 1 tell us that the people hearts BECAME defiled and hardened after repeated offenses and continual rebellion? Doesn't Hebrews 3 warn people not to allow their hearts to grow hardened?
The illustration of the soils is one of warning to help people avoid allowing their hearts to fall into one of those conditions...it is not an story about the predetermined fate of man's response to the gospel as you seem to imply.
Why? Because you assume and presume your own view that if God is indeed desiring to reconciling the world to himself that it must be done effectually and thus would lead to universalism, but again that begs the question because it presumes your premise that God's work of regeneration is irresistibly accomplished and that is the very matter up for debate.
How does that fit with Paul first statement about desiring to "persuade" others and God's making his "appeal" through us? These are not "effectual" words, but instead words of hope and anticipation knowing full well that men must respond by their own will.
Actually, I did answer the question, you just rejected it based upon your view that the gospel is impotent and must be proceeded by a secret inward working of God to have any effect whatsoever, something scripture never teaches.
What about from scriptures point of view? Anyone can claim they somehow know God's perspective but all we know is what has been revealed. Scripture support my view that Adam represents the same all/many as Christ represents. Just as scripture clearly show us that we must do something in order to be saved. You can speculate all you want about God's perspective but it doesn't change the authority of the revelation we have in scripture.
For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. - Rom. 5:19
All represented by Adam were "made sinners" but not all represented by Adam are "made righteous" but all who are represented by Christ "SHALL BE made righteous." Here is the true contrasting comparison between ALL in Adam versus ALL in Christ. Each represent only those who are direct benefits of their actions.
This is also the immediate context before and after Romans 5:12-21. Romans 3:24-5:2 expounds the great doctrine of justification by grace through faith without works. Romans 5:2 declares that the justified have a secure position by grace. So secure that tribulation cannot harm it (Rom. 5:3-5).
Secure because of God's love. If he loved us enough to send His Son to die for us while yet enemies and sinners HOW MUCH MORE now justified (Rom. 5:6-9).
Secure because of Christ's life (Rom. 5:10). We are not only justified by his death (v. 8) but by his life. It is his life not ours that justifies us. We, the justified have received this atonement (v. 11).
Secure because it (secure position/standing in grace) wholly dependent upon the representative action of "one man's obedience" Jesus Christ just as condemnation was secured by just "one man's sin" Adam rather than our life and actions (Rom. 5:12-21).
Romans 6:1 Paul warns that such security in grace does no promote sin proving that Romans 5:10-21 is to demonstrate why our standing in grace is secure because of the actions of "one man" FOR US.
Romans 5:19 proves that the "many" represented by Christ are no more and no less than those who "SHALL BE made righteous" and all represented by Adam shall not be "made righteous" but all represented by Adam are condemned.
None are "in Christ" but those chosen "in him" before the foundation of the world.
None are "in Christ" but those "created in Christ Jesus" by regeneration
None are "in Christ" but those that are justified by faith "in him"
All that are "in Christ" have been "in Adam" but not all that are "in Adam" are "in Christ." Adam represented ALL that were in him and Christ represented ALL that are in him.
Note the effectual conclusion of the "many" represented by Adam and Christ. ALL contained within the "many" represented by Adam were "made sinners" without a single exception. ALL contained within the "many" represented by Christ "SHALL BE made righteous" without a single exception.