Yes, as long as you understand that I believe God's grace is absolutely necessary, that is what I believe. If God did not provide his Holy Word to inform me, and his Holy Spirit to convict me, it would have been impossible for me to be saved.
But I had a choice. I had to decide whether I would trust Jesus or not.
Faith is not simply believeing a set of facts, it is personal trust. It is like going to the doctor. He tells you that you have a brain tumor and will die soon. But he says if you will trust him, he will operate on your brain and remove the tumor.
So, you go to the hospital on the day appointed. Are you afraid? Sure. But nevertheless, you allow the doctor to put you asleep and operate. This is like saving faith, you are placing your life completely in your doctor's hands. This is actually what Jesus did on the cross.
Luk 23 :46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
People say Jesus cannot have faith because he is God, this is false, Jesus put his spirit into his Father's hands and depended on his Father to raise him from the dead.
Faith is simply coming to Jesus in your heart and casting yourself on him, depending on him alone to save you. It is a choice, just as you chose to trust your doctor to put you asleep and operate on you.
Faith is a choice of the will, if you are simply willing for Jesus to save you, that is all that is necessary, he knows your heart.
Faith is not hanging on, it is letting go.