part 2 of reply--
Again ... a thread about nephilim is warranted. Referenced here only in the relevance to your OP.
Maybe one about the tooth fairy too?
no sir ... that's my effort to be concise ... to avoid paragraphs about the nephilim. But being without a spirit means they CANNOT receive from The Spirit.
Unless you can produce at least a single one of these Neppies, sorry, they might as well be Leprechauns.
Therefore ... all of 'em are evil. we don't need to be concerned with who is and who isn't, but we DO need to be aware they exist today ... per Gen 6.
Today, for your information is not Gen 6. Even if some sons of angels used to exist before the flood, so what?
I think I failed to communicate ... I am not saying the nephilim exist in the millennium. I am saying they expressly they opposite. They do NOT exist at the point of the Millennium's beginning, they are "history." Gen 6's reference stops before Christ reigns with His heirs on planet earth.
In fact it is before the flood. A lot changed since then. No Neppies anywhere these days. Do a random check in a movie theatre or organize a police road side Neppie check. You'll see.
The only evil which exists during the Millennium is of Satan himself and he's the "last of the mohicans" locked away unable to "accuse" for this period of 1000 years. (Gonna avoid the amillennial discussion as to whether that time is literally 1000 earth years in this thread)
You got a little confused. Satan is not on earth at that time. There will be sin though, even in that perfect environment.
Sir ... Ex 23:20 - ... this is the conquest of Canaan. The land Joshua and Caleb had "spied" 40 years prior and were the only two of the 12 Moses commissioned to "recon" the Promised Land. Numbers 13 ... the bunch of grapes so large they had to cut a pole and carry it between two men. The 7 tribes of Canaanites had giants among 'em ... God's angel went before them and in a single year (so the land wouldn't lie desolate) destroyed 'em all ... and commanded Joshua to send his mighty men to kill the "regulars" (my word) including the women and children. They were all nephilim, seeded by Ham and his wife after The Flood. "don't mix with them" was the command of The Angel (Jesus pre incarnate)
Hope that if you paid for that story you can get a refund. There is no mention of Neppies there at all, you inserted it.
... as an aside ... Nat Geo ran an article in August or September '20. Archaeologist said they'd found 3400 year old Canaanite ruins, but no remains of humans. I think they were 300 years off in their dating. I think they found one of the cities of a Canaanite tribe (IDK which one) from the Conquest ... and that if they keep digging around, they're gonna find mass graves ... which will include 5' long femurs. The Angel told Joshua to "clean up the place" after each engagement.
There could be many reasons for that. One reason might be that humans could not leave remains in the time before the flood, and even shortly after it because nature was not the same in that time as it is now. We can guess all we like. Having a site with no remains yet found does not mean it was crawling with Neppies!
no, it isn't the Word of God ... 7 day celebration = 7 years wedding feast of The Lamb ... but given the parable of the 10 virgins is wholly based upon the Jewish wedding, I would stop short in saying the Jewish wedding party has no great meaning. The "So" is the parallel of the 7 year period on planet earth post Armageddon and 7 years in Heaven. A consideration. There's no passage which specifically says this ...
Yes numbers are significant, but we should not read too much into them when we have plenty of clear prophesies to go on. I plan to spend eternity in heaven. Visits to earth to help rule with Jesus, will be like excursions as far as I am concerned. So some seven year period after Jesus takes over the world has no real meaning to me.
because I think it does. You challenged that notion, which is fine, but I'm offering that if Ezekiel's vision from chp 43 has already occurred, why has there been no writing of it?
I prefer to try to solve mysteries I did not invent.
I'd think there'd have been a LOT of writings on this were the Triune God occupying the 2nd Temple as Ezekiel described. It also validates there will be a 3rd Temple which Ezekiel saw as well as John.
Why get bogged down on things about a future temple that don't really matter all that much to us?
Rev 11:1-2 ... "...get up and measure the temple of God ..." "... but leave out the outer courts for that is given to the nations (gentiles) ... ... who will trod for 42 months."
The abomination (dome of the rock) of 691 was prophesied by Daniel and is the reference of Daniel 12 to understand ... "...blessed is he who endures to the end, 1335 (years)" ... just as Daniel prophesied the crucifixion of Jesus ... precisely.
The building on the mount is not the abomination of desolation. If Israel sets up a temple there it will be an abomination as well. Sacrificing animals showing Jesus will come one day is an abomination and blasphemy.