What verses within common sense state the thief would ever be resurrected? Paul mentions a bodily resurrection, while also saying, those in Christ are immediately with Christ. The common sense of the dead Rising first means at that time, but really? Common sense that says every time a person dies, they immediately rise to meet Christ. They do not go to sheol any more. So common sense says they have all been rising first for 1990 years. Now the thief went to Paradise that day, there is no common sense that states he will go to Paradise in the future. Overthinking like saying Jesus Christ as God with 6 parts, cannot be 6 different places upon death. Only His body of flesh was on the Cross, common sense. His Spirit or both went to Abraham's bosem. Common sense says that is when the captives were set free, and Matthew said many were in Jerusalem. Common sense says they came out of graves all over the world. They did not all walk to Jerusalem, that is just common sense. That would not prevent all, no matter where, to ascend to Paradise after 3.5 days. Now we still have the body of Christ, not the flesh one, the actual soul and the soul of Jesus. We have God, and the body that was walking around. The two souls stay combined, but God is in Paradise Himself, so the thief was in Paradise in heaven with God, and it happened that day. The two souls was the ghost Mary and two others met. Not tangible, but common sense says, like all other OT saints, in the same condition. No body of flesh. Flesh cannot enter heaven or Paradise. After the 3.5 days, all ascended to heaven. As explained above. Why go back into sheol? They were headed to Paradise but had to wait 3.5 days. They just kept heading to Paradise, just common sense of what happened on the Cross.
The Atonement happened. Paradise was opened happened. The thief arrived that day in Paradise happened. Paradise was in heaven because no place left in sheol. Paradise was never there, because overthinking Bible verses, does not make a fact. No one could enter Paradise, not even king David. Yep, king David was in Abraham's bosom. Yep, he walked around Jerusalem for 3.5 days. Nope, history does not record hundreds of OT ghost walking around Jerusalem. Did Peter see them? Was Peter out fishing on the Sea of Galilee? If he was out fishing, he probably missed all the ghost, just noticed a bunch of fish being disturbed, if any ghost were headed to land from the sea floor. They probably walked out, not floating to the top and walking on the water. Peter does not mention trying to walk on the water again. Man, left common sense somewhere.