40 million people already died from the tax cut. They expect the total death toll to be about 15 billion.

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40 million people already died from the tax cut. They expect the total death toll to be about 15 billion.
Please explain the mechanism whereby senior citizens will be kicked out of nursing homes.What else would I expect from someone who supports murder of the born? Go ahead and make fun of kicking senior citizens out of retirement homes?
Wait! that's greater than the current population of the earth of 7.6 billion!40 million people already died from the tax cut. They expect the total death toll to be about 15 billion.
Please explain the mechanism whereby senior citizens will be kicked out of nursing homes.
Ryan's next target is Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. He has stated that publicly. Over half of the residents in retirement homes are only there due to Medicaid support. Not only that but the deficit automatically triggers an across the board cut which will cut $86M in 2018 off Medicare.Please explain the mechanism whereby senior citizens will be kicked out of nursing homes.
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Murdering the born is just as bad as murdering the unborn. Go ahead and joke about it.While some companies are using their tax break to pay bonuses to their employees, others are building senior citizen seeking missiles. This is no laughing matter.
Of course you've got a link to where Ryan said he's gonna cut Medicaid, right?Ryan's next target is Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. He has stated that publicly. Over half of the residents in retirement homes are only there due to Medicaid support. Not only that but the deficit automatically triggers an across the board cut which will cut $86M in 2018 off Medicare.
Wait! that's greater than the current population of the earth of 7.6 billion!
World Population Clock: 7.6 Billion People (2017) - Worldometers
You are not worth talking to.You are making this up.
OK i know I'm being snookered.Obviously if fifteen billion are going to die because of this tax break the world population total that you have is in error. The very minute that the tax break was passed over a million died. Since I posted earlier today, the total dead has gone up to 42 million. The problem is the discomfort caused by the deplorables have an extra three or four dollars a day--it is deadly to them. A compassionate Democrat such as Bernie Sanders would not have stood by and let the dead stack up like this. The funeral homes in this area are all in mandatory overtime.
OK i know I'm being snookered.
Hmm, I'm well into my 70's and I dont have any undertakers slinking around my backyard... tongue stuck firmly in your cheek no doubt.
Yes I'm a deplorable with a gun a bible and a dog (a yapper!).
Doesn't have to do that. She'll get hit by a bus out in the street.Of course you've got a link to where Ryan said he's gonna cut Medicaid, right?
Is he going to push Grandma's wheelchair off the cliff, too?
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Ryan's next target is Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. He has stated that publicly. Over half of the residents in retirement homes are only there due to Medicaid support. Not only that but the deficit automatically triggers an across the board cut which will cut $86M in 2018 off Medicare.
Where is inspection of automobiles, maintenance of aircraft, cyber-attack or even abortion in the constitution? Where does it support standing armies for a period of more than two years?Where is Medicaid in the Constitution?
In article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution
Medicaid Cuts May Force Retirees Out of Nursing Homes
Medicaid Cuts May Force Retirees Out of Nursing Homes
Medicaid pays for most of the 1.4 million people in nursing homes, like Ms. Jacobs. It covers 20 percent of all Americans and 40 percent of poor adults.
On Thursday, Senate Republicans joined their House colleagues in proposing steep cuts to Medicaid, part of the effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Conservatives hope to roll back what they see as an expanding and costly entitlement. But little has been said about what would happen to older Americans in nursing homes if the cuts took effect.
Do you reject all the laws and decisions by the Supreme Court since the Constitution was written? Do you think we're living in the late 18th century? Maybe you do.Please quote the portion of Article I, Section 8 that grants the power to establish Medicaid to the federal government.
Just let therm die right? But let's increase our bloated military budget by $500B? I suppose I have different priorities than you do. I'm not interested in America becoming the ruler of the world but rather that we provide for the needy and aged in our population.Sad, if true, but it's still not the responsibility of the federal government or of taxpayers to set people up in nursing homes.