Well-Known Member
mitchell said:It is open season on white men and Christians in this country. This is all part of a larger agenda to tear down the founding principles of this country to move it toward marxism.
Bill O'Reilly said:What are the most oppressed groups in America? If you guessed white men and Christians, then you might be a Bill O'Reilly viewer.
"If you're a Christian or a white man in the USA, it's open season on you," O'Reilly said on "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News Channel Monday night.
It's time that racially prejudiced and racist old white men who put out talking points via conservative talk radio and FOX News to be repeated by their minions realize that Blacks and white people with good sense aren't buying into this regurgitated version of "The Way we Were" where they "take their country back" or return to the "days of old".
It was old white men who brought slaves to this country.
It was old white men who brought murder and violence to this country's shores.
It was old white men who murdered sons and fathers thereby creating thousands upon thousands of single-parent black families.
It was old white men who raped black mothers and daughters and then spit in the face of the black children they sired.
It was old white men who got wealthy off the slave labor of Blacks and still prop themselves up off the fruits of that labor today.
It was old white men who created a cottage industry out of prisons whereby they still enslave black men.
It was old white man governor who said this strictly a white man's country, with a white man's civilization, and any dream on the part of the Negro Race to share social and political equality will be shattered in the end.
It was old white men who structured a New Deal purposely designed to elevate Whites while keeping Blacks on the bottom.
It was old white men who once again lynched thousands upon thousands of black sons and fathers creating single-parent black homes.
It was old white men who pushed drugs into the black community.
It was old white men who injected black men with Syphilis.
It was old white man who instituted polices of racism that stretched from slavery to Jim Crow to today.
It is old whit men who are always talking about the "Black Community" taking responsibility for its actions, but the old white men don't want to take responsibility for theirs.
So while some old white men continue to reminisce about taking "Their" country back, let it be known that Blacks and Whites with good sense haven't declared open season on Christ because He's Righteous all the time and seated on His throne.
But Blacks and Whites with good sense have declared it open season on the wickedness of racially prejudiced and racist old white men who think we are going to sit idly by and allow them for a third time to perpetuate this wickedness.
Shall the mighty hand of GOD strike the United States down before HE allows it to happen again.
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