SO like I said, keep repeating the same foolishness of the past. It was wrong then and equally wrong today.
I agree, and I will keep repeating it.
Show me a Scriptural basis for your doctrine. Show me how one could possibly confuse your campaign with Christian attitude and ministry.
You would, I believe, be a slaver if you had that power. That is what your words reveal your heart to be.
What's worst is I believe you simply feed the anger you have.
ANd like I said, you feel free to feel whatever that spirit in you leads you to feel. But there is such a wisdom that also comes from the devil. Your feelings are bred in a pen of lies so you can give them back to their father.
So show me where I have lied.
Show me where I have been racist or oppressive.
Then respond to the points made.
It's a free country, my friend...unless one self-imposes slavery upon themselves.
Who instilled that in you, Zaac? Parents? Grandparents? I have always trained my nieces and nephews that racism is the game of fools. It has no place in the heart of the Christian.
Like I said to another, save the witchcraft.
Answer the question.
Are you going to tell me that your parents and grandparents taught you not to be racist, even though some whites were? If that is the case...the question still remains.
You did not get it from the Word of God, you did not get it from the Spirit of God, and you did not get it from personal oppression and slavery. I can understand if relatives were treated badly, and how that might engender hatred, but a Christian is not given license to hate.
And that you are a hypocrite with a satanic agenda is evident because you focus on an issue that pales in comparison with what is going on in the world today. Shall we blame white people?
And there the wickedness of your tongue exposes itself in that you think the racism and racial prejudice exhibited by the majority against Blacks that has continued its pattern the last 400 years in the US pales in comparison to what's going on in the world today.
It's wickedness to admit to facts?
Do you also hate your black ancestors that gathered up slaves and sold them? Do you hate those blacks in Africa today who are still doing that?
You're a hypocrite.
Thus the reason I and many others speak out because those like yourself positioned behind white privilege think it pales in comparison while Black people are being systematically extinguished by your issue that pales in comparison.
Do you also break into people's places of business and steal their possessions? Set houses on fire? Bash people over the head with bricks?
You, Zaac, will be held accountable for your part in stirring up such hatred.
You see Black lives really do matter.
Can you show me where I said they didn't?
If I were to base my opinion on black people on your doctrine, I would probably conclude that only black people matter. Well, American Black people, that is. I don't see any concern for Africans that are still slaves.
It may pale to you.
Not just me, but many people groups. Do you equate it with the holocaust?
Good thing Germany lost, they also hated everyone other than their own group.
But there are those of us who really do believe that Black lives matter because we love our black Brothers and Sisters the same way that Jesus loves them.
No you don't. If that were the case, we would be hearing Zaac speak about Modern Slavery. We would see Zaac speaking about Christian Persecution, where, it's not a matter of someone's feeling being hurt, it's a matter where people's heads are being cut off. their tongues cut out, their hands lopped off, and imprisonment for their faith in Christ.
So you pursue your unholy allegiance with the one who keeps giving you your lies and I'll continue to do the work of Christ and oppose the wickedness of this board's individuals who continue to banner their racial prejudice and racism.
You live in a fantasy world. Not sure how anyone can equate rabble-rousing like this to Christianity. Not sure how anyone can place this issue as the all important issue of the day.
Again, it is self-centered, self-serving, and quite in contradiction to a Christian world-view.
Where is your rage about this? How about the sex slave trade where millions of children are suffering abuse?
The same place yours is about the racial prejudice and racism in Europe.
Not true. You don't have a Biblical worldview that recognizes the true condition of the hearts of men.
I am very interested in racial as well as religious prejudice in Europe. Are you aware that Islam's violence can be linked directly to the Muslim population? The more Muslims, the more violence.
However, that doesn't mean I think Muslims should suffer persecution either. But I am not going to ignore the entire story, as you do, because it profits me.
Are you a Muslim, Zaac?
Yet here you are, safely in America...railing about something that most of us find to be trifling and a self-imposed bondage in itself. How many times have you been told that, my friend?
Yes, white privilege allows you to think that opposing racial prejudice and racism is trifling.
Sorry, lol, common sense allows me to examine an issue, and salvation allows me to do so with a little more clarity than natural men.
You seek to avoid the point, but it still remains. Your plight is trifling in comparison with the harsh realities of slavery.
You should be ashamed that you ignore these realities.
It's the same way that Christians during slavery and Jim Crow thought.
Again, what makes you think it is Christians you are speaking of? Because they said they were? That is about as credible as your claim to a Spirit led campaign of hatred and racist propaganda.
So come up with some new material because you're not exposing anything I don't already know about you and the ones who speak as you do.
I'm still waiting for you to deal with the material already presented.
So comment on Modern Slavery and tell me why you aren't seeking to help raise awareness of those issues?
Could it be that it is contrary to the illusion of oppression which you seek to justify your campaign with? Because it exposes blacks as being just as ready to enslave as whites?
Your people, my friend, are just as culpable. But we can't confuse your truth with reality, now can we?
How about doing something useful?
Opposing it is quite useful.
Sure it is, depending what it is that is opposed.
But opposing Christians? Wake up.
Read your Bible.
You see unlike yourself , I can go anywhere in the world and speak to people about what they see going on in the United States. Because they want to know why Christians continue to let what's happening take place, while never seeming to do anything.
I do go everywhere in the world to speak to people about what is going on in America.
And since when is it the responsibility of Christians to do something other than what they are commanded in Scripture? It is that mentality that justified the Crusades, isn't it?
I'll make sure that I add that they think it's a trifling issue to my explanation
Well, you seem to be adept at ignoring what others have to say, so go ahead, add that to your database of misinformation.
God bless.