Nope. I am saying that your father is the devil and you abuse the scriptures like your father does.So you're saying that actually quoting scripture to make a point is satanic?
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Nope. I am saying that your father is the devil and you abuse the scriptures like your father does.So you're saying that actually quoting scripture to make a point is satanic?
So its an abuse to actually divide the scriptures correctly, especially when it goes against marcion's theology?Nope. I am saying that your father is the devil and you abuse the scriptures like your father does.
Jason, you do not know YHWH. You are not understanding God's word. You think you do. You are blind and deaf to the Spirit of God. It is vain to talk with you as long as your heart is stiff and hardened by your spiritual deadness.So its an abuse to actually divide the scriptures correctly, especially when it goes against marcion's theology?
How do people think its a heresy when someone says that obedience is required? Have they not read the scriptures themselves?
How do we know YHVH?Jason, you do not know YHWH. You are not understanding God's word. You think you do. You are blind and deaf to the Spirit of God. It is vain to talk with you as long as your heart is stiff and hardened by your spiritual deadness.
Jason, you deny that Yeshua is YHWH. The verse you quote condemns you.How do we know YHVH?
1Jn_2:3 And by this we know that we know Him, if we guard His commands.Who is blind or deaf? It is the one who does not see or hear His voice (word - torah)
1Jn_2:4 The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
Who is stiff necked? One who will not obey
Who is hardened? The rebellious and disobedient
Who is spiritually dead? The one who will not obey
Do all of these accusations fit you or me better according to the words spoken on this forum? It is pretty clear cut.
It can be - even Satan said "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" Gen 3:1)So you're saying that actually quoting scripture to make a point is satanic?
I never have. You seem to deny that He is the word (torah)Jason, you deny that Yeshua is YHWH. The verse you quote condemns you.
Quoting scripture is not bad. What satan was doing was causing doubt about what YHVH said and told a lie:It can be - even Satan said "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" Gen 3:1)
Jason the Law was never given to fallen man to justify him or a means to obtain life. Paul is crystal clear about this in both Romans 3:9-21 and Galatians 3:19-24. Paul clearly states what God's purpose for giving the law was all about - to educate man what sin is (Rom. 3:21). Salvation has always been by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Acts 10:43; Heb. 4:2). Abraham is said to be the "father" of all who believe and Abraham was pre-Moses. All pre-cross saints entered into spiritual rest when they believed in Christ (Heb. 4:2-8) as his work was finished from the foundation of the world with regard to God's eternal purpose which by faith was actually obtained and received through faith. We have a better day of worship that commemorates a greater work (redemption) and is a reminder of a greater creation to come that is without sin and some day we will enter into that eternal rest (heb. 4:11).
So you're saying that actually quoting scripture to make a point is satanic?
There is a disconnect in understanding Paul.
You are taking the scripture out of its context. What is the contexual point John is making in John 1:1-3? The only way you can understand what is going on inside the mind of another person is for them to reveal it by words. Jesus is the INCARNATE PERSONAL VISIBLE EXPRESSION of the INVISIBLE God and that is the point in John 1:1-3. The written word is a WRITTEN REVELATION of the Invisible God. Don't confuse the two as you are doing.Who is Yeshua? He is the "Word".
Deu_32:47 “For it is not a worthless Word for you, because it is your life, and by this Word you prolong your days on the soil which you pass over the Yardĕn to possess.”
It is our righteousness:
Deu_6:25 ‘And it is righteousness for us when we guard to do all this command before יהוה our Elohim, as He has commanded us.’
Rom_10:5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.
Hos 14:9 Who is wise and understands these words, discerning and knows them? For the ways of יהוה are straight, and the righteous walk in them, but the transgressors stumble in them.
Jas_2:24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
Where is the problem with Paul? It is because he uses the same word "law" is used for both oral law and written law in his letters and his point often is that justification can't be found in oral law.
No, there is no disconnect at all in understanding Paul. Paul taught precisely what Jesus taught and Jesus interpreted the law on a high level than Judaism. If you want to keep the law in order to be justified then Jesus provides the standard - "Be ye therefore perfect EVEN AS your father in heaven is perfect." The law requires sinless perfection to be justified by it and to sin in one point is to violate every point (James 2:10-11). How are you doing so far in keeping the Law Jason? Jesus said, except your righteousness EXCEED the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees you shall no wise enter into heaven. Of them he said outwardly they were whited seplechures or spotless. How are you doing so far in keeping the Law Jason?
So you must EXCEED the righteousness of the best of religious men and EQUAL the righteousness of God so that you do not fail in one point, for if you fail in one point you fall under the eternal condemnation of the Law.
That is why you need to trust in Jesus to have kept the law in your place, and satisfied it completely in your behalf. That is what it means to be justified "by faith" rather than by your own works.
You are taking the scripture out of its context. What is the contexual point John is making in John 1:1-3? The only way you can understand what is going on inside the mind of another person is for them to reveal it by words. Jesus is the INCARNATE PERSONAL VISIBLE EXPRESSION of the INVISIBLE God and that is the point in John 1:1-3. The written word is a WRITTEN REVELATION of the Invisible God. Don't confuse the two as you are doing.
No it is not our righteousness, but it is the standard of God's righteousness that we must EQUAL ("even as") IF we are going to reject Christ and his righteous provision for us and attempt to obtain it by our own works. Whenever anyone asked Jesus "what must I DO to inherit eternal life" Jesus had only one response - DO THIS and LIVE (the law). But to fail in one point was to be condemned to eternal DEATH.
That is simply not true. He is not speaking of the "oral" law in Romans 2:16-21 or 3:1-5; 9-21 but the written law of Moses as he quotes several of the Ten Commandments given by Moses and they were written on stone and then written in Exodus and Deuternomy. That is not true in James 2:10-11 or in Galatians as he is speaking about the law of circumcision which is found in the written law.
This is a silly argument: "Jesus came so now I don't have to rest on the 7th day and honor the Creator nor do anything He ever said".
No, the sabbath command remains and rest from your work remains. It is misapplying hebrews in an attempt to annul an eternal law. The same thing happens with peter's vision in a vain attempt to make all meats clean when that wasn't the context at all.
Law keeping is still required or else you are sinning (1 john 3:4). Only those who keep the commandments are allowed to eat from the tree of life (Rev 22:14). It is the saints who are saved and are law keepers (Rev 14:12). Law keeping is how we know Him and Love Him. Faith is hearing AND doing.
Law breakers shall be thrown into everlasting darkness because they are workers of iniquity (Luke 13:27)
Jason, Do you have children? Do you think you would stone them to death for repeated disobedience? Do you wear clothes that are comprised of mixed fabrics?
We are not subject to the 613 Jewish laws.
Colossians 2:16
16 Therefore, don’t let anyone judge you in regard to food and drink or in the matter of a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day.
Jason, Do you have children? Do you think you would stone them to death for repeated disobedience? Do you wear clothes that are comprised of mixed fabrics?
We are not subject to the 613 Jewish laws.
Colossians 2:16
16 Therefore, don’t let anyone judge you in regard to food and drink or in the matter of a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day.
Jason thinks we are subject to all those laws and as he tries to straddle the OT/NT fence. When is comes to the NT beliefs he says we must follow the OT, but then he does not even follow the OT commands as it says we should. (See our conversation on keeping kosher) As for the NT and what it really says, well, forget about that - gotta go back to the OT. Duh!
It's either one or the other and our friend just can't choose so that leaves him completely confused. It's called theChurch of Jason.
Jason thinks we are subject to all those laws and as he tries to straddle the OT/NT fence. When is comes to the NT beliefs he says we must follow the OT, but then he does not even follow the OT commands as it says we should. (See our conversation on keeping kosher) As for the NT and what it really says, well, forget about that - gotta go back to the OT. Duh!
It's either one or the other and our friend just can't choose so that leaves him completely confused. It's called theChurch of Jason.
These are not jewish laws. They were given to all 12 tribes of Israel to do as terms of the covenant of them being YHVH's people and He their Mighty One. If you want to join yourself into that covenant, you have to be engrafted into the tree of Israel and be partakers of the blessing. If not, you have no covenant (look who it is made with).
Your collossians verse is taken out of context. It has nothing to do with actually observing any of the sabbaths.
True believers are to live by every word that comes out of the mouth of YHVH. Satanic churches say otherwise. As for Adonai's comment, he has no clue about oral law vs written law and is totally confused in this respect.
These are not jewish laws. They were given to all 12 tribes of Israel to do as terms of the covenant of them being YHVH's people and He their Mighty One. If you want to join yourself into that covenant, you have to be engrafted into the tree of Israel and be partakers of the blessing. If not, you have no covenant (look who it is made with).
Your collossians verse is taken out of context. It has nothing to do with actually observing any of the sabbaths.
True believers are to live by every word that comes out of the mouth of YHVH. Satanic churches say otherwise. As for Adonai's comment, he has no clue about oral law vs written law and is totally confused in this respect.