So, quit beating around the bush, roby! Just come out and say it! You believe God created OTHER PEOPLE besides Adam and Eve! Which is completely un-Biblical . You get the first few chapters of Genesis wrong, you got it all wrong, IMHO.
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Now, any thing we say about the origin of Cain's wife is guesswork since Scripture and secular history are both silent about it
OF COURSE I do. If Seth had wed someone from another family, Eve would still be his mom, and the grandma of his children, great-grandma of their children, etc. etc.
Originally Posted by InTheLight
Might as well ask--who was Abel's wife? If Abel was not married and didn't have children who was Cain a fugitive from, who did he fear would kill him? (Gen. 4:14)
We really don't know, do we?
Don't waste your time with quantum in this discussion. He, too, rejects Genesis, and though will assert he believes Adam and Eve were the first humans, believes they had parents who had evolved.
I'll just let the absolute absurdity of that scenario sink in a little
We really don't know, do we?
Regardless of how you try to avoid directly saying that God created other humans along side Adam and Eve, that is exactly what you are saying. Someone other than Adam or Eve had to produce, at a minimum, a half-sister for Cain in order to avoid your premise about incest.
Have you ever studied genetics? (I am NOT talking about the theory of evolution!) It seems that you have mixed hybrids and mutations in trying to make your points. Have you ever studied mitochondrial DNA? Dominate & recessive genes? Heredity diseases predominate in ethnic groups?
From the Biblical standpoint, have you taken into consideration, that after the dispersion of people due to language barriers, genetic changes, whether inherited tendency for certain diseases or skin color, came about in more isolated (separated) populations? The gene for red hair is recessive. Yet, there is one population group that has a higher incidence of red hair.
Next, God doesn't change. Yet, His directions (instructions) for human behaviour have changed.
I believe they ALWAYS had that permission. Abel was a shepherd, and made animal sacrifices.1st example: After the flood, He gave permission for people to eat meat.
2nd example: He lifted dietary restrictions previously in place. ie It isn't what a man puts into his mouth, it's what comes from his mouth that defiles him.
3rd example: When the temple veil was torn, individuals no longer had someone standing between themselves and Him.
In closing, either God created only one man and woman (Adam & Eve) or He created enough men and/or women to ensure that incest wouldn't happen. There is no middle ground.
I believe the Scriptures. God created Adam and Eve. He told them to multiply. When appropriate the time came, in His viewpoint, He changed His instructions for human behaviour. Just as He did when He, Himself, made the final blood sacrifice.
Skin color is a result of mutations in DNA, after the fall, when human bodies became subject to physical death. Whether it's skin color, hair color, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, dwarfism, and/or other heredity traits. The premise is the same as the cultural distinctions that came about after the separation of mankind. For example, those in Asia, separated from those in western Europe, developed both physical and cultural differences.
This is perhaps the most poignant and intellectually honest statement in this post thus far.
^^^ That was a joke, right?![]()
There were some things prohibited from the beginning, and, given the strong "taboo" against incest among people who've never hearda God, then incest between parent & child, and between full siblings musta been one of them.
This "taboo" is at least as strong among those people as is the one against murder. many of these peoples wouldn't think twice about killing someone not of their people, but wouldn't kill one of their own. And, of course, we know murder was a sin from the gitgo.
Have you been to a funeral lately? The wages of sin is death. We are separated from God physically and spiritually. Jesus is the only remedy.
We are quickened, made alive in Jesus, sealed with the Holy Spirit, and given the promise of an incorrupt body on the other side of the grave--with Jesus forever.
Amazing Grace.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Bro. James
The ONLY alternative to Cain not marrying a sister, or even a distant relative would be what roby is insinuating. That God created OTHER PEOPLE besides Adam and Eve,
Robycop3 hasn't stated his position on where Cain's wife came from. Don't put words into his mouth.
So there's no actual prohibition in place at the time. Just a supposition.
Do we even know if it was a common taboo in other ancient pagan societies?
Oh really? You paint a sunny picture of human nature.
So, quit beating around the bush, roby! Just come out and say it! You believe God created OTHER PEOPLE besides Adam and Eve! Which is completely un-Biblical . You get the first few chapters of Genesis wrong, you got it all wrong, IMHO.
No, roby, Scripture is NOT silent about it! God PLAINLY states in Scripture:
Genesis 3:20 And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.