Bob said:
Originally Posted by
My point is that everyone is accountable to God for themselves - "To him that knows to do right and does it not - to him it is sin" James 4.
Special thanks to James for being the author of that statement -- not me.
Special thanks to God the Holy Spirit for causing James to write that text.
And.....your pov declares that "merely reading or hearing" God's word on any particular command is not enough to hold the hearer responsible. One must hear the word of God concerning the command and ALSO be enlightened by the Holy Spirit that they should be honoring the command.
So you are saying it is a ""
To him that knows to do right and does it not - to him it is sin" James 4 thing? OR are you saying that I am the author of James 4 - so really it is just "me"??
Steaver said:
Therefore "To him that knows" according to your pov is "him that has been enlightened by the Holy Spirit"
As Christ said in John 16 "
I have many more things to tell you but you cannot bear them now - The Holy Spirit will LEAD you into all truth".
You seem to be objecting to Bible statement after Bible statement. Is reading the Bible "not enough" for you?
Steaver said:
, merely reading God's word or hearing the command from another is not sufficient for accountability.
So that is why I have to keep reminding you of these texts?
Steaver said:
Myself is a good example, as I said. I read Is 66 and Lev 11 many times
True enough.
As the Catholics read Ex 20:4-6 many times regarding the command not to use images in worship and the Is 8:19-20 regarding the command not to pray to the dead.
Steaver said:
You on the other hand read Is 66 and Lev 11 AND the Spirit "enlightened" you that you should not eat pigs (and whatever else is listed in these passages).
Indeed those "do not eat rats, cats, dogs and bats" texts are sooo easy for me to read - I just seem to "get it". But that is just me. God tells me to share what His Word says - he does not demand that I judge others.
James says "
To him that knows to do right and does it not - to him it is sin" James 4
Steaver said:
So I get to eat without consequence but you must obey the enlightenment you have been given. Seems like God being a respector of persons to me
You are free to spin it however you wish. In the end it is the "Spirit of Truth" that is both authoring the text and convicting the Christian - not me. I just read what He has written and agree to follow what He says.
Steaver said:
Same would go for drunkenness or homosexuality according to your pov.
True. It is the Holy Spirit that "convicts of sin and righteousness and judgment" not "Steaver" and not "BobRyan".
I can report the news - but it is up to the Holy Spirit to convict.
Those who hear are free to "Claim" that the Holy Spirit has not convicted them that adultery or drunkeness or ... is "wrong". It is not up to be to judge them. Scripture says "God is not mocked whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap" Gal 6:7 - so they will need to be very "very" careful in their "God has not told me personnally" claims.
Christ said in John 16:2 that men would think "they offer God service" when they "seek to kill you".
People may think a great many things. But the amount of what they "claim" they don't know and should not be held accountable for - and what God sees them accountable for - may not always be the same thing.
I never claimed that the person is the judge of it. I always claim that God is.
Notice that in Romans 1 Paul keeps arguing the point "they are without excuse" speaking of pagans that have no access to scripture at all and yet are given up to things like homosexuality. Thus it is Paul's claim that the Holy Spirit is convicting them on a subjec that they themselves would like to pretend He is not convicting them on.
Still - that is not my business - it is between them and God. I simply report the news.
Steaver said:
This pov of yours would take much of the pulpit pounding out of the churches. "Thus saith the Lord" is moot UNLESS the Spirit also "enlightens" those Christians that they should obey.
I guess that depends on just how much you "do not trust the Holy Spirit" to do His John 16 job.
You seem to object that it is not all "in your hands" to determine when and on what point someone else must surely be convicted.
Steaver said:
I suppose SDA preachers don't get too frustrated at those who refuse to obey God's word since they believe the Spirit chooses some for enlightenment and others for ignorance.
They being fully aware of both John 16 and James 4 are often heard to say along with Paul in 1Cor 3 "one man plants, another waters and another reaps the harvest". The idea that every preacher gets to "sit in God's chair" and decide for themselves "who is convicted" for what is out.
But that does not mean that once someone is a Christian they can suddenly pretend "not to know if Christ is the savior". Going backwards is never "allowed" because it is the Eph 6 problem of falling away.
Steaver said:
We are not speaking of those who make choices. You are correct that if God has "enlightened" a person then they have a choice. But we are speaking of those in your pov who God does not enlighten on a particular command such as pig or rat eating.
We are speaking of those in Christ's POV of whom "
I have many more things to tell you but you cannot bear them now... the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth". You keep reading the text and yet struggling with it.
Steaver said:
Why do you feel obligated to "report the news"? Why preach Is 66 or Lev 11 to those who already read them many times as though they should obey them?
Matt 28 "
Go into all the world and MAKE disciples of all nations TEACHING them ALL that I have commanded you".
1Cor 7:19 "
But what matters is KEEPING the Commandments of God"
John 14:15 "
IF you Love Me KEEP My commandments"
Obeying God's Word - whether it be in Lev 11, or Isaiah 66, or John 14, or 1Cor 7 or Rom 3:31 or Rom 2:13-16 or ... It is all the same issue. God speaks - I choose to obey. That is what the new Nature does.
Steaver said:
Or the 2nd commandment to the Catholics? It should be obvious to you according to your pov that the Spirit is not requiring all Christians to obey all of God's commandments. So why bother to preach them if it has no bearing on their own souls?
If "I was god" and I knew which person the Holy Spirit had convicted on a given point and which person the Holy Spirit was not going to convict on a given point - it would certainly change what I said to them.
I freely admit that.
However you err in thinking that just because a person rejects what the Holy Spirit is telling them - that the Holy Spirit must not be saying anything to them.
This is another area where your argument puts man in the place of God.
Steaver said:
What I wonder is why do you post God's word over and over on these issues as though we must all obey all of God's word when you yourself declare that we all do not have to obey God's word??
Again - you are simply making stuff up. Not once have i said "We do not have to obey God's Word". Rather it is YOU who keeps saying "I read God's Word in Lev 11 and Is 66 and feel good about not obeying what it says there". I never claim that for myself
and I never say that you are right in your claim. I leave it between you and God on those points. For all I know your claim to be in the dark is dead wrong. Christ said to the Jews "
if you were blind you would have no sin - but you say that you SEE therefore your sin remains".
I merely say that there are those who do not know something is a sin and I claim that James is correct in his comment about those cases.
Steaver said:
SDA's spend an awful amount of time on the subject of obeying God's commandments all the while declaring you are excused if the Spirit has not "enlightened" you.
That is true. We are firm on the point that there is no "shortcut around the Holy Spirit".
Steaver said:
You preach "thus saith the Lord" and then you preach "but you don't have to obey unless the Spirit enlightens you".
Again your policy of just "making stuff up" does not help your argument as much as you have imagined.
I never said "you do not have to obey God's Word". I always say "This is what God's Word says. This is what we are to follow".
But I stop at the point of saying "and I as God know exactly what you are able to hear and accept from God's Word". This seems to be where all your frustration comes in -- the fact that I do not claim to be some kind of god.
Steaver said:
I listen to pastor Doug on his "amazing facts" program quite often and he preaches hard the commandments but I never hear him preaching this excusal doctrine along with it.
You never hear him say the things you seem so willing to "Make up" but if you listen - you will hear him speak to the James 4 and John 16 texts when speaking of Christians in other denominations.
Keep listening.
in Christ,