BTW - this is an interesting game you have invented -- (tag - you are "it"

in Christ,
I believe it was you who decided to abandon sola scripture and the exegesis thereof as the deciding factor as to who MUST obey what is in God's word and who it is that may be EXCUSED.
Basically saying, "if one does not see it my way then they could be of those who cannot yet bear it". Misapplying John 16:12.
When this is applied to your views as possibly being of those who "cannot yet bear it" then you desire to return to exegesis and demand that people are "struggling" and "ignoring the text"!
Truth is, the SDA have chosen to make up their own application of John 16:12 so that they may not be seen as those who are condemning other Christians to hell for choosing to eat swine. They teach their disciples to simply say, "Jesus hasn't enlightened some yet because they cannot yet bear it, so it is ok for some of those who do not understand as we do".
So the drill is to post Lev 11 and Isa 66 over and over in hope that by so doing the Christian living in sin (according to the SDA view) may somehow by the grace of God be shown special "enlightenment", if of course they are mature enough as the SDA's are and able to bear it.
In short - I merely point to the details "in the text" that your answer "needs" to avoid.
Still avoiding that Acts 10-11, 15 "detail"?? - how unnexpected that your argument will need to keep avoiding the text's detail even though you were the one that went to the text to start with.
Still as you point out - some will struggle with that -- so as you so freely point out --
John 16:12, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now."
You see?
How do you know that you are not the one who cannot bear them and has not been "enilghtened"? Maybe you are the one "avoiding" and "struggling". I think so.
You will say the Holy Spirit has taught you that Lev 11 must still be obeyed.
I will say the Holy Spirit has taught me that it has been done away with.
Where does that leave us?
Here's the point. God has given us each the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit and has told us to study and rightly divide them. There is no such thing as a Christian being "excused" for not yet being able to bear a commandment. This is fabricated by the SDA so they do not need to preach "thus saith the Lord" on these matters and by so doing condemn those who do not agree.
It's like this according to the SDA, "some are weak in faith and immature so God has not yet revealed these truths unto them for thay are not yet able to bear it". "so yes, God has true sincere believers in all denominations, but they are weak and not yet able to bear all the truth like WE can".
Aren't we special! :thumbsup:
So in reality all your post about exegesis and context and avoiding and ignoring and struggling really means nothing when I can use your own theology to simply dismiss it all with Jesus said, "
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now." (John 16:12)
A little test for you Bob,
A person has been born of God. You read to or show this Christian Lev 11 and this Christian says "
yes, I see that God forbid the eating of swine here in Lev 11, but I am going to eat swine anyways because, well, I like it". The next day at breakfast while chewing on some bacon this Christian has a massive heart attack, blacks out, no time for even one thought, and dies. Said he seen with his own eyes that God forbid swine in Lev 11 but refused to repent of eating swine anyways and dies.
In your pov, according to what you have read in the scriptures, would this Christian go on to eternal life with Christ?
John 16:12 would not apply here for the Christian declared that he did see Lev 11 and understood God did say do not eat swine there in the text.
What's your answer?
ps. I don't mind if you want to do all the multi-color three page posting in your answer, but please at some point say either the man would go to heaven, hell or that you do not know. The third answer would be interesting indeed. Oh, and don't give me the "I cannot judge the man's heart" thing. It is a plausible hypothetical situation with all the details given. What would be the final destination of this Christian according to your appilcation of scripture?
Let me give my answer from my pov of scripture. The man would go to heaven. See, I am not God and I don't have a window into the hearts of men but I am capable of answering a hypothetical question with all the details given. It's called applying my beliefs and scripture to real life possible scenarios. This is how we test one's postions of doctrine. Those who do not want to be tested usually will avoid these questions at all cost, for they know it exposes their errors. We'll see how you do :thumbsup: