Humble Disciple
Active Member
All Calvinists modern or otherwise know a gospel of works cannot save.
When those you support offer those teachings they will be opposed up and down the line as the false teachers they are.
Who said that salvation is by human works, rather than the work of Christ in us?
Preachers and theologians from various Protestant traditions (not only Wesleyan) use the term "imparted righteousness" to identify the righteous principle imparted by God to believers when He regenerates them. Believers thereby become "partakers of the divine nature" (cf. 2 Peter 1:4). It is this principle of righteousness imparted to men in regeneration which is ever in conflict with the old Adamic nature. Protestants, however, maintain the distinction between the "imputed righteousness" of Christ which is the basis for justification and the "imparted righteousness" which is the basis for subsequent sanctification.
Imparted righteousness - Wikipedia
Do you have an actual quote from Charles Finney or is this more slander and libel?
Slander (from the American Heritage Dictionary):
Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
A false and malicious statement or report about a person.
Of Slander, and Libel