1) Is it wrong to believe fallen mankind is able to seek God and trust in Christ, in light of God revealing Himself and providing the gospel of Christ?
2) Did God really choose some foreseen individuals with or without foreseen faith when He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world? If this was a corporate election then God did not choose any specific individuals, just the target group of His redemption plan, those who would be redeemed by His Redeemer.
3) Is our faith in Christ really instilled supernaturally, i.e. a gift of faith? What does scripture say, 1 Corinthians 12:3 and Ephesians 2:8?
4) What does "no man can say Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit" mean? (1 Corinthians 12:3).
5) Does choosing to seek God and trust in Christ make salvation dependent on man and not on God? Romans 9:16
6) Does Christ making it possible for all men to be saved mean He does not actually save all who are saved?
7) Does the "from our point of view" dodge really resolve the conflict over when we were chosen, after we believed or before creation?
8) Does scripture say no one would ever make the right choice unless God supernaturally intervened and caused that choice? (Revelation 3:20, Joshua 24:15, Hebrews 3:7-8, 2 Corinthians 3:5)
9) Is Calvinism's only err the cart before the horse sequencing of choosing some individuals for salvation then sending Christ to die as a ransom for all?
10) Do Arminians err when they put God's choice of individuals after they believe?
11) If many are invited but few are chosen, then what condition precluded the rest?
2) Did God really choose some foreseen individuals with or without foreseen faith when He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world? If this was a corporate election then God did not choose any specific individuals, just the target group of His redemption plan, those who would be redeemed by His Redeemer.
3) Is our faith in Christ really instilled supernaturally, i.e. a gift of faith? What does scripture say, 1 Corinthians 12:3 and Ephesians 2:8?
4) What does "no man can say Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit" mean? (1 Corinthians 12:3).
5) Does choosing to seek God and trust in Christ make salvation dependent on man and not on God? Romans 9:16
6) Does Christ making it possible for all men to be saved mean He does not actually save all who are saved?
7) Does the "from our point of view" dodge really resolve the conflict over when we were chosen, after we believed or before creation?
8) Does scripture say no one would ever make the right choice unless God supernaturally intervened and caused that choice? (Revelation 3:20, Joshua 24:15, Hebrews 3:7-8, 2 Corinthians 3:5)
9) Is Calvinism's only err the cart before the horse sequencing of choosing some individuals for salvation then sending Christ to die as a ransom for all?
10) Do Arminians err when they put God's choice of individuals after they believe?
11) If many are invited but few are chosen, then what condition precluded the rest?