Why are you a Baptist?
It happened this way,
Age five found I feared God.
Not all at once, but through the years my Sister, Mom, Brothers, Dad joined that Baptist church about 3 blocks from our house.
Sunday school, church, then BTU Sunday nights, Wednesday prayer meetings, and you name it, we were there. I was a visitor at the church.
These are not the exact words of the messenger, but at Age 9 a visiting Preacher at a two-week Revival meeting preached (Hope OK to say this here) Hell Fire, Damnation, and blood. What awaits the sinner looked to be the question? I knew I had at least One Sin by the time I was at the age of 5. That was bad enough, but the preacher was piling on more. He said everyone of you here today, including me, have sinned because we came into this world as a sinner, and we remain that way. We all have committed every sin that we can sin; but if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for your Salvation, YOU will be saved!! DO YOU BELIEVE THIS? Do you believe John 3:16? Who ever you are, God will save you, if you believe what He tells you.
I came to understand this before I walked the aisle. I was told if I wanted to join that church, I would have to be baptized. I said OK. All we six in our family belonged to the same church. That old church is now of another religion, but makes no difference for we all six are in the Real Everlasting living Church.