What is within the will of God? Or not?
Yes these are solid questions that must be asked if we are indeed Christians. I personally can not see any true church not incorporating the Holy Spirit into the church. Now I’m not saying like signs and wonders Pentecostalists, but how the HS is teaching and working to have you be a finished sanctified and changed human being.
Now if I might, Christforms is suggesting something very important here that I’d like to unpackaged... ie, do not name darkness light. Do not call (name) darkness good... sin is never good and it must not be allowed to live under any false pretenses. For example, pornography viewing is sinful because it objectifies women. The way out of it is to just stop doing it... weed it out of your mind, When we refuse to name the darkness we become trapped by it.
So our society today, and that includes churches that allow for laxity... the edges between darkness and light become very vague and when nothing is forbidden then nothing is required. And if we As Baptist’s do not police our distinctive beliefs... like allowing in only regenerated brothers & sisters, stressing only Believers Baptism, stressing scripture as vital to learning the Word of God, Saving Grace via the HS etc well we are close to loosing our place as a New Testament Church.