Well, I gotta give you credit. You are the first one that ever tried to think up an explanation. Everyone always diverts to some other topic or just says "I don't know".
Pharaoh is the perfect example of how God deals with a lost person. Read the entire account, how that Pharaoh was allowed his freewill to choose to obey God. Pharaoh would obey and then he would change his mind. It went back and forth, Pharaoh hardening his own heart and then God ultimately sealing Pharaoh's fate by hardening Pharaoh's heart. Perfect example of God blinding a person AFTER their own freewill choices. Good example! Glad you brought it up.
You are dead wrong, scripture is against you.
First, he is correct that God had "Blinded their eyes, and hardened their hearts lest they believe". They would have "believed", like people like you do, but don't truly believe the word, so you'd have a bunch of Pharisee's misleading people to the nature of Christ, as you do. On the very night of His betrayal, in His High Priestly prayer to the Father, Jesus, who you say wants all saved, prayed, and remember His prayers always come true "Father, I do NOT PRAY FOR THE WORLD, but for those you have given me"
Second, you are just lying about Pharaoh, this is making it's way around the net. God FIRST told Moses "I will harden Pharaohs heart, it's only later that Scripture states "Pharaoh hardened his heart", so you have twisted scripture to meet your needs, you state in his free will choice that he hardened his heart, then God confirmed him, this is a lie, this is what Arminians always do, scripture doesn't fit your theology, so you just lie to others.
Isaiah prayed "Lord why have you HARDENED OUR HEARTS so we fear you not", no ambiguity there! "The Lord OPENED LYDIA'S HEART so she could understand the things they were saying", "The Kings heart is as streams of water in the Lords hands, He turns it any way He wishes", "I prevented him from sinning against me", "The Lord incited David to take a census", "The Lord hardened the Ammonites hearts that they should make war with the Israelites and be utterly destroyed". When the man cussed out David for Davids sin the Kings people were going to arrest him, David said "leave him alone what he says is from the Lord". "The thoughts of man belongs to him, but every word is of the Lord". shall I go on?
If man had free will, Christ may have never been crucified, they may have made Him King, and God's plans once again frustrated by mans free will. If man had free will no point in praying for them, after all God is supposedly doing all He can, and if He did answer your prayer He'd have to violate mans free will". God could never be certain that ANYONE would believe in Christ, nope Peter, John, they could have all fallen away.
Your theology is right on par with Rome, it has nothing to do with the Reformers. Do you even know the MAIN POINT of the Reformation? Indulges? The Lords Supper? Nope, FREE WILL, Rome believed in free will, so they robbed God of glory as you do, taking credit for things that God says are of Him, Luther, when debating Erasmus in "The Bondage of the Will", congratulated Erasmus "I thank you my dear Erasmus for not boring me with trivial matters and getting to the heart of the matter, Free Will".
You should study Reformed Theology some time and join us, the Roman side that you adhere to is heresy, trust me it's not biblical. If you don't understand, fine, STUDY, see what God claims of Himself "Who creates evil, is it not I says the Lord", you just have many category errors like Rome, God is so pure that He can't look upon sin, man and devils deserve NO MERCY, the fact that we even draw a breathe is an act of SUCH INCREDIBLE GRACE YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND, LOVE DEEPER THAN ANY OCEAN, for God to delay the unregenerate is LOVE BEYOND WORDS, and why He created us, for that exact reason, namely to show HIS GLORY. Reality is not about YOU, but about GOD, He created everything as a overflow of Joy in His own glory, and His glory will be displayed, the glory of His mercy and wrath. So anyways study Protestant theology, and join us, the Reformation is still on going, there never was an end.