First of all, I don't debate the issue at all. I said this on my first post.
But I think your questions are what pollsters call push questions. Push questions are asked so that there is only one answer and it is the answer that a pollster is trying to achieve.
For an example you ask concerning total depravity:
Do you think there is a part of natural man that is not fallen and thus is good enough, on its own merits, to go to heaven?
No one here who does not hold to your understanding of soteriology believes that man is good enough on his own to go to heaven. The push questions answer is obviously, no. None of us are good enough to go to heaven. It is in the words of the hymn writer, "
Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to thy cross I cling." So your question is based on a false premise.
For another example you ask about irresistible grace:
Did you, or any Christian you know, resist grace to the point of damnation?
The obvious answer is no. If a person is a Christian (not a generic, but a Biblical Christian) then, of course, they haven't resisted. But the real question is have their been people who are not saved who have resisted the call of God to salvation.
I am not going to argue these things with you. Just as I don't argue eschatology on here. God's people down thru the ages have disagreed about these issues and the minds on this board are not going to settle it.