Can you show quotes of people who teach what you claim?
I am pretty sure that people here over and over have explained to you that they do not believe in this "gap" between regeneration and faith. "Regeneration precedes faith" simply means that regeneration is the cause of faith, not that it happens at some point in time prior to the point of initial faith.
Think of firing a gun. Pulling the trigger is regeneration and the projectile is faith. They both happen at the same time; however, regeneration is the logical cause of faith, not the other way around.
There are no regenerate unbelievers, period.
I already showed a letter written by an associate of Sproul's who said infants can be born again, they can be regenerated, and quickened, but not express faith for many years. Did you miss that?
Here is a statement from the Lutheran church which also believes infants can be regenerated, but not express faith for many years.
XIII. Second proposition: "Although infants do not have actual faith, the seed or root of faith cannot be denied to them, which is ingenerated in them from early age and in its own time goes forth in act (human instruc*tion being applied from without and a greater efficacy of the Holy Spirit within)." This second proposition is opposed to the Anabaptists, who deny to infants all faith, not only as to act, but also as to habit and form. Although habitual faith (as the word "habit" is properly and strictly used to signify a more perfect and consummated state) is not well ascribed to them, still it is rightly predicated of them broadly as denoting potential or seminal faith. Now by "seed of faith," we mean the Holy Spirit, the effecter of faith and regeneration (as he is called, 1 Jn. 3:9), as to the principles of regeneration and holy inclinations which he already works in infants according to their measure in a wonderful and to us unspeakable way. Afterwards in more mature age, these proceed into act (human instruction being employed and the grace of the same Spirit promoting his own work by which that seed is accustomed to be excited and drawn forth into act).
While this is not a statement from Calvinists, this is precisely what many (actually, all) Calvinists believe. They believe an infant can be regenerated for many years before they are mature enough to understand and express faith. You have to believe this if you are a Calvinist, because all Calvinists believe it impossible to have saving faith without being regenerated. But you cannot be forgiven of your sins until you believe and trust on Christ afterwards. It is unavoidable.
Regeneration means to be born again, to be made spiritually alive. If an infant is regenerated by the Holy Spirit but does not accept Christ until they are 10 years old, then for 10 years they would be both spiritually alive and spiritually dead in their sins at the same time. This is impossible.
Actually, it is impossible to be both spiritually alive and spiritually dead at the same moment for any amount of time whatsoever, even if that was the one minute it took you to hear the gospel, understand it, and place faith in Christ. You are dead in your sins until you are justified. Justification follows faith, and even Calvinists admit and teach this. You cannot be justified until you hear the gospel and believe it, and that takes time. So, according to Calvinism, a person has to be made spiritually alive to have the ability to believe the gospel to be justified. This is impossible, because you would be spiritually alive and spiritually dead at the same time.
There are no regenerate unbelievers, period.
There has to be if the doctrine of Calvinism is true. Faith is not some physical thing or force you carry around in your pocket. Faith requires an object of faith. Faith requires understanding. You cannot possibly have faith in the gospel until you hear it, and that takes time. But you also have to understand the gospel before you believe it, and that takes time too. So, for that one or two minutes it takes to hear the gospel and understand it, if you are regenerated you are spiritually alive, but you are also dead in your sins because you have not trusted Christ yet. The moment you trust Christ you are justified and no longer in your sins.
You can try to wiggle around this all you want, but it is impossible. Faith must precede regeneneration, because you cannot be justified until you believe. You must be forgiven of your sins before you are spiritually alive.