Well-Known Member
What you write is not trueOh I do not think God has to be fair, as some want to have it. But and this is what I think calvinists miss, God has to be JUST. And because God is just He deals with all on a level playing field. Remember we are all sinners and none of us deserve salvation but it is available to all.
For us that have the opportunity to hear the gospel many think that is the only way that someone can be saved but I do not think it is wise to limit what God can do. Many that live in closed countries have been saved having never heard the gospel message.
When you say the my logic would lead grace to be unfair. Me thinks you are missing something there Dave. It is the calvinist logic that God only gives "irresistible grace" to a select few. So it is the calvinist theology that would make God unfair. The non-calvinist view is that Gods' grace is given to all through the convicting of the Holy Spirit.
If you question what I have just said think about this.
Paul said "For by grace you have been saved" so if it is only through Gods' grace that we can be saved and if God only gives that grace to a select few {Calvinist irresistible grace} and then says well because you did not get that grace then you can not be saved.
So which view do you think makes God "fair" calvinist or non-calvinist.
peace to you