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Originally Posted by vooks![]()
You look like an intelligent man Bob, why are you embarrassing yourself?
1. EGW spoke of amalgamation of man and beast both BEFORE and AFTER the Flood
2. She spoke of this as being responsible for species not created by God
3. She spoke of this as a HISTORICAL fact.
True - so why are you embarrassing yourself by imagining that different races of humanity are different species??
4. Even if you bought the retarded excuse that amalgamation is 'cross breeding' between sinners and the righteous,
I did not bring that up.
But that is what is happening in Genesis 6:1
Do we toss the bible out as well for that?
The point remains.
you fish for garbage in scripture??
You remind me of my signature line below.
Did you simply not have anything of substance to post?
If not -- why post??
You seem to be floundering.
You have heard of genetic engineering right?
Is this all new to you now??
New species created by genetic amalgamation - ... hmm you seem to struggle with the basics on that one. Welcome to the 21st century.
"But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere." Spiritual Gifts volume 3 page 64
"Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the ark. The confused species which God did not create, which were the result of amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.Spiritual Gifts volume 3 page 75
Recall that we already know that we have only ONE species of man -- no matter how many races.
Genesis 6:1 is not talking about demons marrying women since as Christ points out - in Matt 22 Angels don't even have that function with themselves much less with other species.
So then it is just about being unequally yoked -- believer with non-believer.
Races of man that are the products of mixing with other races of man?
Is this really where you camp out???
After 1600 years it is likely that the descendants of Cain and those of Seth appeared to be separate races of the one species 'mankind'.
I don't understand why you are so baffled by the distinction between animal species on the one hand - and races of man on the other. Why do you ignore that distinction?
in Christ,
Please think. Or t least try
1. Genetic engineering was nonexistent in 1850s when EGW spoke of amalgamation. So amalgamation is no genetic engineering. Unless according to SDA 'history' the science is far much older than we all think. Not a far fetched idea given SDA proclivity to the most absurd conspiracy theories.
2. EGW spoke of evidence of amalgamation being 'seen'. This means whatever amalgamation is, it was ongoing
3. She spoke of amalgamation producing SOME races of men. So to her, as far as you are concerned, she could see the pure/righteous races, the wicked races and and of course the mixed race product of amalgamation. Now, kindly share with us examples ,one of each of these three.
4. Jesus said there is neither marriage nor giving in marriage. Which part of that says angels can't have sex? When they visited Abraham, they sure looked like men, and they ate meat. When they visited Sodom, the men lusted after them. They certainly can walk in human bodies. Jacob in Genesis 32 wrestled with one
5. When you gather garbage and attempt to legitimize it by purporting to deduce 'evidence' of the same from scriptures, you fail woefully
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