Bad analogy. You can't even drive if you are not healthy. You can't work. All else requires health to have life, liberty and to pursue happiness.
First of all, many unhealthy people do drive and to various degrees. Granted, I would not want a blind person driving (thus the law does discriminate) or someone in a coma, may have trouble starting a vehicle.
But I suppose you did not realize this was a facetious example.
One other point - you say that health care is rationed by HMO - ect. I agree - but that is the insurance plan in effect - just like the car insurance you purchase.
You statement
" health to have life, liberty and to pursue happiness." is from the Declaration of Independence it specifically says
We hold these Truths to be
self-evident, that
all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The Declaration actually does not hold any legal status as the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. If you want to take it to the extreme then women are not entitled to those rights - and I suppose if you are an atheist - then you may not qualify either :smilewinkgrin:
Bottom line - you may have a right to health care - meaning it can not be denied to you -if available - and ability to pay is part of the equation.
For example, the pursuit of happiness - if my happiness is going to see a movie, does that mean the government must provide universal movie admission? Of course not!
Contrary to popular belief of liberals, conservatives do not want people to die. We believe in the responsibility of the individual.
Back to my example of a car. Currently NY requires 30 hours of supervised training of a minor prior to his taking a road test. If a parent does not own a vehicle and cannot afford to send his son for 30 driving lesson, does it then become the responsibility of the government to provide the training?
MP - this is one question I would like you to answer:
Where do you draw the line on government