So you're admitting that you cannot recall all the sins you've repented of. Excellent.
Again, which sins have you not repented of? Do tell.
You believe true Biblical salvation to be works based simply for the fact you believe: 1) Repentance not necessary as to your many fallacious and erroneous posts which are anti-Biblical; 2) Repentance is a work of man and not a gift from God.
By the way my experience was eidetic. I recall all of my sins to which God granted me repentance. I was 22 then. I'm 49 now.
Go study, you need it. :thumbs:
Don't mind me saying so; but I don't believe you.
We sin every day. We sin by omission and by commission.
We not only do the things we shouldn't do, but don't do the things we should.
We also sin by ignorance.
I don't believe you remember every evil thought that went through your mind; every lie you may have told; every time you may have gotten angry or lost your temper; and on and on. It is impossible. So, no I don't believe you.
By your arrogant speech here you demonstrate that you have a definite need to understand the sinfulness of man in comparison to the holiness and righteousness of God, and how far we truly fall short.
Yes, you really need to do some serious study.