Is it not possible that he's pointing out that, no matter how much he tried to do, none of it was effective. God saved him; not his own works?
Pt...that was not what he wrote. He says he was a RC then he came in contact with a baptist church....and then explains what he did.
He will never say that God saved him...because of works...he knows he cannot such that. He initially gave this testimony over a year ado that I saw , where he describes what he did.
Obviously He will mention that Jesus goes to the cross to pay for sin.
He when explaining how he got saved was that He did this and that...he was not Magically zapped by the Spirit.
When he reads this, he might offer it again. If not later on when I am done driving I could take the time and search out the exact ones I am speaking of.
I believe he also offered one recently, however the older ones were much clearer. One time if my memory was correct he was arguing that repentance was not necessary

I openly questioned him at that time so I remember it to some degree, but I try not to let error stay in mind, so I do not work to retain such ideas,
I don't know DHK personally,
I do not know him either...just what he posts.
We have this tendency to try and say all Calvinists, or all Arminians, or all Free-Willers will act the same, and that's simply not true
Correct...however sometimes there are tendencies and errors that are repeated...
SBM reveals a brand of Calvinism, but is seemingly far more hyper-Cal than any other Cal I've run across here. Even more than you, brother Icon
Because SBM uses verses about election and predestination does not put him in the camp any more than a RC who might use such a verse.
It seems like Con1 has discovered the root cause of the abberant ideas just yesterday.
Because SBM raises topics like this one and sometimes verses or topics that are interesting I and others will comment.
I used to think he was on the right track until a few weeks ago a comment was made about God being the author of sin. I depart from anyone who makes such a statement really fast, through out a life line or two, and a caution,
Like Padre said, those holding to Election can simply replace the boast of free will with the boast of "I was chosen of God and you were not."
He is level headed and I saw he said that. Look, It is possible someone said such a thing, but I would think it was someone who was trying to learn and got proud as Israel did amos 3:2.....I know for myself that is far from the truth. I am glad God did not cut me off in my sin. I was in total rebellion against God, His word , and his people before He sought me, and he drew me.
Of course, how do the Elect know they are Elect? At least my experience with free will has blessed me with an experience of grace with God that informs me of my salvation. Not by anything I did. I simply had faith in God and His love and mercy for me
this is a whole thread in and of itself..PT