Nevertheless they describe an aspect of God's judgment which we would have a hard time understanding without such language. God is not vengeful or hateful. He does not contradict his own word, where he calls both of those sins.Anthropormorphic words are worthless if they do not convey some kind of reality found in God. The "arm" of the Lord conveys the idea of "power" just as the "eyes" of the Lord convey awareness. However, these are PHYSICAL attributes where as "anger" "wrath" "hate" are not PHYSICAL attributes but they are MORAL attributes being conveyed.
The action is. God commanded the killing of the Canaanites. God commanded that all in Jericho (except Rahab) be destroyed:Again your "To use your logic" is inappropriate and again is a mixture of apples and oranges. Never is "murderer" or "abortion" or "genocide" or etc. EVER applied to God as anthropormorphic words.
Joshua 6:21 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.
--murder, genocide, abortion? What else would you call it? Do you need other examples? There are many.
What did God do to the land of Egypt and the people of Egypt through the hand of Moses? The plague of the first-born? Abortion? Did they deserve it? Or was this all part of God's justice on a nation that had turned its back on God.
But you look at it as if God is a hate-filled God, who hated infants born to the Egyptians. No, he loved them, as he loved all the Egyptians. Love and justice go together. They are not separated.
God is a moral being not an immoral being.Furthermore, your analogy is inappropriate as it depends not only upon YOUR INTEPRETATION of actions to fit those terms but such an interpretation also depends upon something you do not believe and that is God is responsible for sin as all those terms describe SINS.
That is the trouble. They are not documented in Scripture. The words are used, but God is not a hateful God as you describe him to be. The words describe his justice. God is also described with wings, eyes that run to and fro; he has feet; Moses saw his "hinder parts." But Jesus clearly said to the Samaritan woman in John 4:24:You cannot deny that such MORAL terms as "hate" and "anger" and "wrath" are directly attributed in Scripture to God's NATURE as well as His ACTIONS toward SIN and SINNERS because we have documented that fact.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Moral attributes can be described otherwise. Furthermore, words change meaning. Both wrath and anger are used in the Bible. However what we understand as anger is not what God defines as anger. God is not an angry God. That is against his nature. In fact as the Bible defines it, anger is sin. If Jesus had struck out in anger he would have sinned. The first thing people do is point to the incident at the Temple--the cleansing of the Temple, where the tables of the money-changers were overthrown. Was Christ angry? Let me ask it this way? Did Jesus at any time lose his temper? The answer is no. At no time did Christ lose control of his emotions. He was always in control of his emotions. We often define anger as out of control. But Christ wasn't out of control. His wasn't out of control or angry as we define anger. God doesn't get angry as we define anger. Much of the problem lies in the words that describe the emotions we have. God isn't full of emotions. He isn't moody. He is perfectly under control all the time.You cannot attribute them as anthropormorphisms because they are not PHYSICAL but MORAL attributes and if nothing conveyed has any realistic basis in the MORAL nature of God then it is a vain argument to even suggest they are anthropormorphic expressions.
No anger is justified. Anger is sin.You simply do not understand justified "anger" that would take the form of "vengeance" toward people that results in ETERNAL AGONY and MISERY.
Hatred and wrath are very much different. Hatred is the opposite of love; if not the absence of love. Wrath is the outpouring of God's justice.That is WRATH, and wrath cannot be separated from HATRED.
Man is told to hate the sin, but to love the sinner. Why do you think this principle is taught to Christians, followers of Christ?This is very simple to prove by asking you a simple question - "Can God HATE sin?"