It's past midnight here and I need to get some shutter so I can't pick up on everything you've put but will have a go.I'm sorry, it was the English Bill of Rights of 1689 which allowed Protestants to bear arms within the law. of course as you point out the law was changed. Too bad.
But it has happened. I read all the time about home invasions and such and the people remain defenseless in their own homes.
Yes, but the gun banners at such things can never happen but the reality is they do.
I was just pointing out all the terrible violence that occurs all the time in merry ole England. Tell me would you rather get shot or have acid thrown in your face? I'll take a bullet thank you very much.
Well you have a good point there. But I have accepted the reality that while we live on this earth there really is no safe place to be. Death lurks around every corner and it could happen any time to any one of us.
UK Telegraph 03 Sep 2012: A farm tenant and his wife who were arrested after two suspected burglars were shot at their isolated home had been the victims of a number of robberies.
Farmer Tony Martin shot a burglar dead in August of 1999. He was arrested, charged with murder and subsequently convicted and sentenced to five years in prison. And there are more stories like that out there.
At the beginning of the war, you were crying for weapons to replace those left on the beaches at Dunkirk. Thankfully we sent them to you so at least your Home Guard had something to fight with.
With all your comments here, not once have I seen you place the blame on the shooter. That rifle did not magically pick itself up, trot down to the school and start killing those students. I don't want anyone to get needlessly killed, but the gun simply did not fire itself.
That is a ridiculous platitude. It remains a fact though, that the teacher who got killed after getting his kids into a classroom, had he had a firearm at least would have had a chance to survive. He didn't, and he didn't
Because we have these rights that you just do not understand. The only way would be confiscation as no person would give their rifles up willingly. I guarantee you that if the authorities tried to get the guns from the people, it would get bloody real fast.
The Tony Martin case: Martin was convicted because he shot an unarmed burglar in the back whilst the criminal was trying to escape. A jury of his peers found - correctly IMO - that this was retaliation not self defence.
The Bill of Rights was passed after we had fought within living memory a bloody civil war about, amongst other things, royal tyranny. Fortunately in part in consequence of the Bill, Parliament gradually assumed power over the Crown and in time became fully democratic itself so that particular aspect of the Bill of Rights that existed the time of the Bill had ceased to be an issue by about 100 years ago.
I agree with your last comment in part though I lament it: I think you would be looking at a Second Civil War were you to go from zero to sixty as it were in one move.