Let's face it. Brits, and almost all of the free world simply do not understand the relationship between Americans, the Constitution, and firearms. It's so deeply imbedded in our history, our psyche, and our laws, that they will never understand.
They either forget, or just don't know, that the American Revolution actually began when the British tried to confiscate the arsenal of guns at Concord. The first battle of the Texas revolution was at Gonzales and was precipitated by the Mexicans trying to confiscate a cannon. The American West was tamed with the gun by armed citizens. The concept of armed self defense is deeply ingrained in our society.
Foreigners just don't get it.
Neither would they ever understand that attempted gun confiscation by our own federal government, which we fear more than any other government, would likely be met by armed resistance. And certainly , an invasion by a foreign enemy would meet with never ending armed resistance and insurrection, fueled by the millions of guns in private hands.
Texans, for sure, and a lot of other Americans know what "Molon labe" means and will die before they let their guns be taken away.
Brits, in particular, have been both on the receiving end of our proficiency with firearms and the beneficiary of the same numerous times over the past 100 years. You'd think they'd eventually catch on.