Where does it say Matthew invited those people, PL?
How else would they be there? Scripture doesn't require us to not think.
Furthermore, again at the risk of stating the obvious, let's just read the text:
Luke 5:29 And Levi gave a big reception for Him in his house; and there was a great crowd of tax collectors and other people who were reclining at the table with them.
So we can see that it was Levi giving the reception and a "great crowd of tax collectors and other people" were there. Who do you think Matthew giving the reception for? Matthew was having the reception to introduce his friends to Jesus.
Secondly, we can also see that it was "in
his house." So Matthew gave a reception in his house for Jesus and tax collectors and other people were there, and you want us to be dumb enough to think that Matthew didn't invite them. That's too much faith for me. Sometimes, people get so entrenched in a position, they will miss the complete obvious.
Are you not adding to the Scripture to say they were invited by either Jesus or Matthew when Scripture does not say so?
It is possible he was living with those people. Scripture doesn't say one way or the other.
It is not really possible that Matthew was living with "tax collectors and other people." If you are familiar with first century homes, you will know why that is not a viable solution.
If they were friends who had been accustomed to meeting with Matthew/Levi before his becoming one of Christ's Disciples, they may have went to Matthew's often.
I think that's a great point. I am not sure why you make it since it supports me, and not you.
Scripture is not clear on when this dinner was. If Matthew invited Christ directly after his being called to be a Disciple, it is possible the publicans and sinners did not yet know of Matthew's new Master.
Which is hardly relevant. (You seem to have a real penchant for trying to change the subject.) Even if you are right, they are still at Matthew's house hanging out with tax collectors and other people.
This is not a battle you can win, PL. The Scripture is clear.
I already won because the Scripture is clear. I have quoted it for you.
Jesus was at a dinner, publicans and sinners showed up.
That's not what the text says. It says that "Levi gave a big reception for Him in his house; and there was a great crowd of tax collectors and other people who were reclining at the table with them."
This is all off topic. I was just wondering if you were consistent. I think what has happened here is that you got caught being inconsistent and now are not willing to back off and say you were wrong. I faced the same kind of thing when I said Jesus did it in his house, and when you pointed out that I was wrong, I clarified, and used Scripture to back it up. Instead of doing that, you are just going on trying to argue the impossible, apparently trying to avoid having to say you were wrong. You clearly are. Just say so.