Biblegal is a sign of the times...
The root of Biblegal's problem can be found in Romans 1:19-For that which is known about God is evident to them and made plain in their inner consciousness, because God [Himself] has shown it to them. 20-For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification],(B) 21-Because when they knew and recognized Him as God, they did not honor and glorify Him as God or give Him thanks. But instead they became futile and [c]godless in their thinking [with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations] and their senseless minds were darkened. 22-Claiming to be wise, they became fools [professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves]. 23-And by them the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God were exchanged for and represented by images, resembling mortal man and birds and beasts and reptiles. 24-Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin], 25-Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever! Amen (so be it).(C) 26-For this reason God gave them over and abandoned them to vile affections and degrading passions. the Amplified Bible
As I see it, IMHO, Biblegal, and others on this forum, have mocked God by going against the scripture that SFIC has quoted about bringing the unsaved, unlike spirits in your home.
For many years, I was lacking in wisdom, and by bringing unlike, or opposing spirits into my home, I'd notice an aftermath of problems following the fellowship with persons who were unequally yoked [in ungoing, personal fellowship with] to the same God and Holy Spirit that my wife and I are one with. There were spirits of sexually immoral and unclean thoughts; spirits of fear and doubt; spirits of dissension; spirits of foul talk; spirits of anger, hate, disagreement, etc., hanging around as residuals from having folks not anchored in Christ, over to our home.
We have learned the hard way, that we need to be very careful in who we have over to visit. Some may say we're being judgmental in trying to discern whether this person or couple is right to invite over, but, that verse from SFIC, along with what Paul lays out in Romans 1 and 2, is a fact folks.
If we profess ourselves to be wiser than the scripture we are given, scripture that was meant to protect us, and do our own thing long enough [here's the kicker, so pay attention], God will turn us over to our minds will be turned over to our sin [disobedience to God's Word] and the darkness we allowed to enter our homes and hearts. There is a price to pay for not listening to God. When we profess ourselves to be wiser than God [going against His Word, is a form of professing ourselves wiser than God] time-after-time, He will allow us to be turned over to that way of thinking and doing business on this planet.
At one time in my walk with Jesus, I may not have liked what SFIC has brought up, but, the truth is, we are to avoid having, or inviting unlike spirits into our home, or our spiritual space, for intimate fellowship.
If we ignore God's teaching over-and-over, you can be assured that you will be turned over to that very spirit which you have been warned to be stay away from, and you will begin to live and act like that spirit.
Will that keep you from eternal life, I don't know, therefore, I don't thinks so...but, I do believe, you will be judged for this, and it cost you your eternal rewards for all the good things you did prior to falling to that spirit by way of God [turning you over to the spirit].
I know there will be those on the board who will disagree with me on this, but, the Scripture sure seems to be very clear about socially and spiritually mixing and mingling on a regular basis with unlike spirit and unclean spirits. You will be turned over to their dark world. Amen!!!
be forewarned my brothers and sisters. The Bible is the one and only true Word of the Living God.
Pastor Paul :type: