If my wife decided we’d become free-will Baptists, being a good Southern Baptist I’d say “no…submit woman!” When I regained consciousness I still wouldn’t become a member. :smilewinkgrin:
Seriously, though, as a complementarian I believe it is the husbands responsibility to provide spiritual leadership in the home. My opinion here would be that there is more to this than the doctrine of the local church. But hey, opinions are like … noses. Everyone has one.
I was gonna join today but perhaps the Lord prevented it due to a mistake I made when I walked forward at the invitation as I went to the wrong section of the church by error. So this gives me time to think it over.
Yes perhaps I need to put my feet down and tell her to submit. She will wine and bicker about it, but the decision is mine. She has been single a long time and we have only been married 5 months. She needs to learn submission...