7) There are performance issues that involve the new technologies that appear to not have had time to be fully evaluated, and the vaccines are not acting as initially believed.
In other words and for example, what scientists thought was going to happen regarding spike proteins staying largely at the injection site, is proving to be quite the opposite.
8) The "delta" variant was present and being reported in India as early as last December, 2020. There is no way for the vaccination status of Americans or those of other countries to have contributed to the mutation of SARS-CoV2 and the development of "delta", because the current vaccines were not even released for distribution until mid-way through the same month.
Viruses mutate, some believe to overcome the human body's own natural resistances, and some believe for other reasons.
That's what viruses do, they mutate. No amount of vaccination will stop mutations, and the history of influenza strains, for example, should prove it.
9) "Delta" ( and others ) has not had time to fully circulate, neither have vaccine manufacturers had time to develop ones for the current variant(s).
10) Getting vaccinated
now for variants that are resistant to the current vaccines is almost useless, and everything is very nearly back to square 1, IMO.
People are getting sick from "delta", and the vaccines are not preventing it.
The virus is mutating, and the specialists don't really know why.
This makes being vaccinated with obsoleted vaccines a lesson in futility... as to me, the medical community is simply "chasing the backside of the curve" and cannot realistically prevent or stop the illness ( and never really could ).
Do everything that one can to boost one's own God-given and designed immune system, seek the Lord for medical advice, and ( ultimately ) do not rely on fallen men for the solution.
11) From my perspective, the current vaccines were rushed into production after less than a year of trials, and were released-to-public with U.S. FDA Emergency-Use authorization.
In other words, the vaccine manufacturers were ( apparently ) exempted from being held accountable for any side-effects leading to death and / or debilitation while the vaccines were under Emergency-Use authorization.
Patients ( and their families ) who experienced severe side effects leading to extended periods of recovery ( or even death ) were given no recourse for recouping their losses during this time period.
I personally know of at least
several at my own workplace ( and 1 in my own department ) who have had problems with the new vaccines, and one death at my workplace due to complications of the vaccine + CoVID-19. Due to privacy regulations, it's not clear whether he received the vaccine
first and was subsequently exposed to SARS-CoVID2, or the other way around.
12) Surgical masks do not work in preventing virus transmission, and any military active duty / retired / veteran personnel with NBC training, civilian worker in the Hazardous Materials field, or medical professional ( who is being honest ) will tell you that the only way to
guarantee not being contaminated or exposed to something toxic or life-threatening, is a full environment suit with SCBA or MOP 4 gear with gas mask and bio-filters...
...and those are only meant to be a
temporary solution until one can remove themselves from the hazardous environment.
Apologies for the "wall of text" in these two posts, but most of you already know my love of being detailed and my habit of being as thorough as possible on many subjects.
Someday I'll try to better condense things for easier reading.