I've heard stories like that about "instant addiction" before, but IDK. Sound pretty few and far between to me.
That's right. It is a myth. It is Independent Fundamental Baptist folklore.
Whole NATIONS like Germany and France drink beer and wine like we drink colas over here.
They have a far smaller percentage of alcoholics than we do.
Prohibition and IFB fundamentalism (along with Pentecostalism) have given the world more drunks than Jack Daniels could ever dream of giving us.
Instead of teaching moderation they teach abstinence which means- they don't teach children the RIGHT way to drink.
Most of their children are going to drink at some point and since in their deceived minds it's "all or nothing"- then its all since its not nothing. They think, "Well if I'm going to backslide by drinking a glass, I might as well go all the way!!" And "all" in this case means- DRUNKARD. Hence, their damnable abstinence doctrine makes people drunkards.
You can either teach people responsibility or abstinence. If you choose abstinence, then you forfeit the opportunity to teach responsibility.
How much better the church would serve the youth of our nation by casting off this all or nothing nonsense- this teetotalism and teach our kids RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard that wine doesn't taste that much different from grape juice, so you might as well just drink grape juice
It is very different in taste from grape juice.
But it does what God intended it to do when he made it. It "makes glad the heart of man."
Psalm 104:15
The thing is, Quest, be responsible. Treat it like a car. It is a great tool that makes like much easier and more enjoyable. But there are safe ways to use it and dangerous ways.
Binging with your friends nightly at college is going to ruin your life much like driving 100mph on a twisty gravel road is going to ruin your life.
Be responsible. If you do that, then it will be the blessing God intended for it to be.