preacher4truth, here is a young man obviously not of legal age to purchase alcohol. Obviously, he is not quite as versed as you are when it comes to the Word of God. Obviously, he relied upon and erred when it comes to the scripture he quoted. Specifically, that of referring to the sin of sexual misconduct applying it to the consumption of alcohol.
In your response it does appear that you're quite condescending and mocking his lack of knowledge. It would seem to me that any Preacher 4 Truth would rather assume a position of correcting a youth vice mocking him. No?
All any of us can do is lead a horse to water but..., So it is here. No need to be bullish about it and no, I'm not defending salzer mtn. I've just been there and done that.
Early in my Christian Life I was removed from driving a church bus for a nonsensical reason only to be replaced by a "better man". Turns out he sold Insurance and once he sold everyone in the church a policy, he quit and moved on. That was over 38 years ago and that insult against me still lingers.
As you know, the tongue is like a two-edged sword.
Well, I was pretty hard on the guy too and if he is very young or young in the faith, I'll apologize.
If a guy is going to get on a public forum like this and make a claim like he is speaking for God (which is what we do here- we are parsing the WORD OF GOD and claiming that what we say it is saying is WHAT GOD SAYS), then he better put his big boy pants on.
If he wants to come and ask questions and learn- WONDERFUL!
But if he is going to speak for God, he better suit up!