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The Sons of God in their natural head Adam are who sinned in Adam !
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Adam was a Son of God Lk 3:38 ! So they who he represents were Sons of God also !
No, I was talking to you about yonder knucklehead.
The Sons of God in their natural head Adam are who sinned in Adam !
Was Adam the first man a son of God Lk 3:38 ?When Adam fell, did only the children of Abel fall?
Was Adam the first man a son of God Lk 3:38 ?
Ok that's who sinned in Adam, the Sons of God ! So the Sons of God that sinned in Adam, God chastens them and brings them to Faith in Christ, the Seed of the Women Gal 3:26 ! That is how the Children of God are manifested 1 John 3:10 !Yes. Never believed otherwise...
Cain was of the Wicked One because Gods word states that he was one ! 1 Jn 3:12 ! Now problem ?Cain was the child of Adam and Eve. He was the product of 'relations'. Then how is he the child of the wicked one?
not as Cain -- of the evil one he was, and he did slay his brother, and wherefore did he slay him? because his works were evil, and those of his brother righteous.(1 John 3:12 YLT)
Cain was of the wicked one in that he served him, as did we when we were sinners. This isn't meant to be literal, but figurtive(sp?), imo...
Physically or spiritually?Cain was of the Wicked One because Gods word states that he was one ! 1 Jn 3:12 ! Now problem ?
When Adam fell, did only the children of Abel fall?
Ok that's who sinned in Adam, the Sons of God ! So the Sons of God that sinned in Adam, God chastens them and brings them to Faith in Christ, the Seed of the Women Gal 3:26 ! That is how the Children of God are manifested 1 John 3:10 !
Cain was of the Wicked One because Gods word states that he was one ! 1 Jn 3:12 ! Now problem ?
All who died in Adam, were all those who were made in Adam in the Image and Likeness of God. That can only apply to the Church, all those who have been predestinated to the Image of Christ ! We dont have any evidence that the non elect, who shall perish, ever were made in the Image and Likeness of God !
Listen are drifting away from the safe harbor of scripture. Many of us here believe in the doctrines of grace, election, predestination etc....what you are offering is a bastardized form of the teaching that is not the belief of the Historic church. That is what i mean:wavey:
You need to determine if you want to enter into the mainstream or remain isolated and in opposition to truth:thumbsup::thumbsup:
If you hold anything like the serpent seed doctrine you need to repent and flee from that garbage. Adam and Eve produced Cain.
Adam made in Gods Image was the fact that he was made in the Image of Christ whom he was Chosen in, that is why it reads Gen 5:1-2 the Image of God reflected Christ and the Church, Male and Female. Christ is the Image of God 2 Cor 4:4 for naturally Adam was not in the Image of God, it was by His Union with Christ ,the God who Created Him ! The fall did not mar God's Image that is blasphemy, Gods Image is manifested through the Fall and New Birth of the Spirit 2 Cor 3:18 ! You are far from the Truth !Again, Adam was made in the image of God. After he fell, he marred that image. We now bear Adam's likeness/image, the marred image of God.
I do not mean to offend any on here, so please accept my deepest apology if this does bother someone...
Does this look like 'the image of God'??
We are tainted through and through by sin.
Adam made in Gods Image was the fact that he was made in the Image of Christ whom he was Chosen in, that is why it reads Gen 5:1-2 the Image of God reflected Christ and the Church, Male and Female. Christ is the Image of God 2 Cor 4:4 for naturally Adam was not in the Image of God, it was by His Union with Christ ,the God who Created Him ! The fall did not mar God's Image that is blasphemy, Gods Image is manifested through the Fall and New Birth of the Spirit 2 Cor 3:18 ! You are far from the Truth !
SBM is promoting something 'serpent seedish'...
Posted by SBM Have you ever heard of the Children of the wicked one Matt 13:38 , 39 ?
Posted by C1 So, did the serpent have 'relations' with Eve and Cain is the child of him and Eve? That is what the 'serpent seed' doctrine is....
Posted by SBM I don't believe that ! But I do believe in the Children of the Wicked One Matt 13:38-39 ! Are you going to evade those scriptures ?
Posted by C1 How are they the children of the wicked one? That's what I am asking you. I want some clarification from you.
All these posted by SBM
--What do you mean ? What did I just post ? What does Gen 4:1 say ? Cain, who was of the wicked one, was a product of Adam and Eve having relations, That's what I believe ! Now if you keep misrepresenting what I said, this will be over with with you, you understand ?
--Do you believe that the Children of the Wicked One are made in the image of God, yes or no !
--The scripture says that Cain was of the wicked one 1 Jn 3:12 and the scripture says that Cain was a product of Adam and Eve having relations Gen 4:1 ! So why keep asking me the same question ! Do you believe that the Children of the Wicked One were made in the Image of God and His likeness ? Yes or No !
--So you believe that the Children of the Wicked One were made in the Image and likeness of God ! Correct ?
--I just told you how cain was the child of the wicked one and how he came into the world !
--Adam was a Son of God Lk 3:38 ! So they who he represents were Sons of God also !
--The Sons of God in their natural head Adam are who sinned in Adam !
--Was Adam the first man a son of God Lk 3:38 ?
--Ok that's who sinned in Adam, the Sons of God ! So the Sons of God that sinned in Adam, God chastens them and brings them to Faith in Christ, the Seed of the Women Gal 3:26 ! That is how the Children of God are manifested 1 John 3:10 ! {emphasis mine here....this is heretical to the very core.}
--Cain was of the Wicked One because Gods word states that he was one ! 1 Jn 3:12 ! Now problem ?
--When Adam, the Son of God Lk 3:38 fell the Sons of God fell in him as their Natural Federal Head ! Now are all men without exception Sons of God ? The answer is NO ! The Sons of God who were in Adam that sinned shall be revealed by their Faith in Christ who recovers them out of the Fall ! Gal 3:26
26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
--Adam made in Gods Image was the fact that he was made in the Image of Christ whom he was Chosen in, that is why it reads Gen 5:1-2 the Image of God reflected Christ and the Church, Male and Female. Christ is the Image of God 2 Cor 4:4 for naturally Adam was not in the Image of God, it was by His Union with Christ ,the God who Created Him ! The fall did not mar God's Image that is blasphemy, Gods Image is manifested through the Fall and New Birth of the Spirit 2 Cor 3:18 ! You are far from the Truth !