When you explain to us how the word "office" is so sublimley critical...I'll address the word "office". Until then, why not argue the context of the qualifications for the "office" or the "play-ground" or the "cruise-ship" or whatever. Point is...I don't care what the word is...because it is simply irrelevant to THIS particular discussion. This passage of Scripture outlines the list of qualifications...explain how a woman satisfies those conditions...and
you may claim whatever translation you want!!!!
I realize that I am an illiterate knuckle-dragging woman-hating Neanderthal...so, this is an easy debate for you to win...only I am an illiterate knuckle-dragging woman-hating (and misogonystic) Neanderthal...who will call you on a complete red-herring when you pose it.
This is a "red-herring" sir...and you enlightened sorts should know when one sees through it and I am sure you have numerous defeaters for our obvious errors...now...use them.
This passage gives a list of qualifications....they are listed long after your particular preference for how we translate "office"...just translate it as "limburger cheese" for all it matters.

No one will bite on your red-herring. You merely doubled-down on it.
Knuckle-dragging un-enlightened Neanderthal
No one is really bothering to argue what you prefer to translate your irrelevant word as...because it doesn't matter. You know it doesn't matter....you refuse to accept that Neanderthal also understands this....so, again he isn't biting. You have to create a new line of argument...because yours is irrelevant.
:applause::applause: Good for you...you take the old-school hard-core approach
I want you to listen to yourself for a second...you said that we are wanting to conform the text to "MODERN TRADITION"....Yes...you accuse the KJV translators of misusing the text...and us for defending simultaneously...a "MODERN" tradition.......because, as we all know...those of us who hate women's suffrage and refuse to accept the "equality" of women and who "subjugate" them are the post-modernists?? Is that your claim??? seriously, answer that. And you are following what, a classic approach??what??? the "old-school" fundamental traditionalist??? Is that how you paint yourself???
Dude... you are insulting our intelligence... you are semi rhetorically gifted...but so was Abraham Lincoln, and as H.L. Mencken said: The Gettysburgh address was "Rhetoric not logic, it was poetry, not reason"....Such is your post. You won't sneak these fast ones past this retarded knuckle-dragging Neanderthal. I realize that you think that everyone who disagrees with you is too stupid to see past your obvious misconstruals and dis-honest debate tactics...but some pot-smoking hippie professor of yours should have told you to be aware of knuckle-dragging morons who are WAY to smart to fall for the crap (and yes, your tactics are sheer crap so far) you are pulling now.
1.) "additions" are not what you are arguing, you are arguing mistranslations....not "additions" you just conjured this out of whole-cloth for sheerly rhetorical reasons.
2.) We are now debating "Mormonism".... Seriously..do you listen to yourself???
3.) Maybe you don't know what a "red-herring" is....I do....and this is it. The sum-total of all your arguments are "red-herrings"...look it up, and stop doing it, because...like finicky and over-fed fishes............we aren't biting on them. You need to use a different lure. Try a shinier color...we might be stupid enough to bite on a shinier color lure, you never know right??
You have done nothing but insult intelligence. Just debate the exegesis of the qualifications as listed by Paul in his letter to Timothy...THAT'S the debate...and we don't care to chase your passion for the proper translation of "office" you may translate it as "dog-vomit" for all we care...translate it as "dog-vomit"...Paul is still saying that...."there will be no chick deacons" do we understand one another now??