M.R. DeHaan points out in his book, "Portraits of Christ in Genesis," the following and I very much agree with it.
"Adam also must have known that for Eve to be redeemed, it must be by a human redeemer, later referred to as the seed of the woman, Eve needed a Savior, a Redeemer, and this Savior must be her seed...But how could Eve bring forth a seed without a husband? Adam could not be the father of her seed as long as he was separated from her by her sin... In Adam's perfect state he could have no communion with fallen Eve. (II Corinthians.:14-16)...
Since Adam could not lift Eve to his level without the Redeemer seed, he must lower himself to her level, assume her guilt, become partaker of her sin and condemnation, and then, the separation between them being removed, he could become the father of her seed. And so Adam deliberately, willingly, and with full knowledge of the consequence, took the fruit from Eve's hand and did eat...(I Timothy. 2:14) Adam was not deceived. He knew it meant his death, but it was the only way to save his beloved bride. And this salvation would be by the bearing of a child...And so Paul continues, (I Timothy.2:15) Notwithstanding she shall be saved by childbearing...In all of this, Adam was a type of Christ. (Romans 5:14) Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of Him that was to come.... Adam's transgression was different from any other. We sin because we are sinners. He became a sinner because he deliberately chose to share in the sin of Eve...Jesus also loved the church, His bride, and gave Himself for it. His bride too had been deceived by the enemy and alienated from God...He identified Himself with our sin..Jesus took our sin upon Himself. It meant His death, but his love knew no bounds..."