1 Timothy 3, in regards both
Elders/Bishops [what we commonly call 'Pastor' these days, or 'Parson', days of yore], and
Deacons, deal specifically with the authority invested in the respective
"offices" [1 Timothy 3:1,10,13 KJB], which are specific positions of
"authority" and "rule[ership]" [vss 4,5,12], first in the very seed of the church, which is the very home garden-school [vss 5,12], and then in the greater body/church after; and Paul, inspired of the Holy Spirit, connects not only the offices within the church of the living God at home to the greater, but so also salvation, called the "mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh" [vss 15-16] together.
We have already shown the meaning of the "covering" for women here:
Orthodox Scholars Reaffirm Theological Validity of Women Deacons
We have also seen that the text is clearly instruction, in regards who among the male population of believers could obtain to such offices; for they had to meet specific qualifications [and yes, if they were not married, they should step down from the office]:
Orthodox Scholars Reaffirm Theological Validity of Women Deacons
And moreso in the following as well -
Orthodox Scholars Reaffirm Theological Validity of Women Deacons
None of the texts in either 1 Timothy 2 or 3 prohibit women from preaching or teaching, in the proper sphere. It simply forbids the women from usurpation of the "office", "authority" and "rule" of the God-ordained position of the Male, the Husband, the Priest of the Household & Church of the living God.
In scripture, OT and NT, there were women who preached and taught, even in a publick arena, though moreso in the garden-home-school-circle. There were women prophet[esses], and at least one judge, several Queens, disciples, teachers, etc, to name a few:
[01] Deborah, the wife of Lapidoth [a "mother in Israel", judging over a people, prophetess]
[02] Miriam, Aaron and Moses' sister [prophetess]
[03] Huldah [prophetess]
[04] Isaiah's Wife [prophetess]
[05] Esther [Queen]
[06] Mary Magdalene [and others who served and shared the message about the resurrection]
[07] Anna of the court of the Temple, the daughter of Phanuel [prophetess]
[08] Elizabeth [John the Baptist's mother, a daughter of Aaron]
[09] The 4 Daughters of Philip the Evangelist [prophetesses]
[10] Priscilla the wife of Aquila
[11] Phebe, the servant [diakonon, not Office of "Deacon" as modernized liberal texts falsely state]
[12] Queen of Sheba [came to hear the wisdom of Solomon to share in her own country]
[13] Lydia [business woman, seller of purple, see also Proverbs 31:16, see also "great woman", in 2 Kings 4:8]
[14] Mother of Lemuel [see Proverbs 31, instruction of Mother to Son, Queen to Prince]
[15] wise women throughout [see 2 Samuel 20:16,22, etc, going unto "all the people in her wisdom"]
[16] the woman [samaritan] at the well [John 4, went back and brought people to Jesus and told them about Jesus]
[17] New Jerusalem above which is the "mother of us all" [ie. the Heavenly Council, under God]
[18] the little girl who told Naaman about the prophet
There is of course a counterfeit to this, in regards women in scripture [KJB], since there are those women, possesed of devils who also teach, preach, etc, and exalt themselves to a position; just to name a few:
[01] Jezebel [OT, and the greater NT system, Revelation 2, 17, etc]
[02] Great Whore [who 'teacheth', and 'calleth herself a prophetess], see Revelation 2, 17, etc]
[03] Athaliah [Queen]
[04] certain damsel who was a grief to Paul [Acts 16]
[05] Miriam, sister to Moses and Aaron, when she sought a position of authority not for her
[06] Herodias [and Salome, Queen and Princess]
[07] the witch of En Dor [a medium with a familiar spirit, a false message from Satan; 1 Samuel 28]