Hello ILAA, welcome to the Forum, I hope your time here will be blessed.
Here is what puzzles me about women looking to men for their spiritual leadership. What would prevent a woman from being misled by man into believing or doing unscriptural things -- unless she has her own internal understanding of scripture to compare to what a man is teaching?
What prevents a woman from being misled by her spiritual leader/s is the same thing that keeps men from being misled, The Spirit of God and Bible Study.
Unfortunately, few people study. Most hear the Word of God only on Sundays, some Sunday and Wednesday, and some even go so far as to have "devotionals," where they read the Bible during the week. But that isn't necessarily study.
And I hate to say it, but study is not always encouraged for new believers, because some "leaders" want people to simply take what they say without question.
If a woman places a man as an authority above Christ, isn't this a form of idolatry?
Yes, and what you are doing is violating the principles of Scripture to work out a reason to deny Biblical Principles.
Christ is still over the Man, regardless. And what should be happening is that the man is in submission to Christ, and if he is, then things will usually run in a proper pattern.
But if a woman has her own internal understanding of scripture to use to "test all things" and to "test the spirits" and to avoid being misled into sin or apostasy -- then doesn't this mean that a woman has to be capable of reason and conscience?
No-one questions whether women are capable of reason and conscience.
A woman being more knowledgeable than her husband in regards to the Word of God doesn't nullify the principles laid out in Scripture. She is still called to be in submission to her husband. And again, I reiterate that Scripture is looking at both being in submission, and when we have a marriage where the man is not in submission, then we have extenuating circumstances.
Here is a passage dealing with that:
1 Corinthians 7:10-14
King James Version (KJV)
10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:
11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
Nothing in there that would teach a woman can depart from a Biblical standard. There is hope for the unbelieving spouse by the submission of the spouse to the Lord and His will for marriage. When the man, for example, is not in submission to Christ, the woman is still called to be in submission to the husband, and to Christ.
That doesn't mean she should remain in close proximity if she is being beaten or abused, I don't think anyone would rationally suggest that. But should she leave, she does not have liberty to remarry. If the man departs, then she has liberty to remarry.
If a woman is allowed to say no to a man's spiritual leadership if he misleads her into sin or apostasy -- then don't we have to give some respect to her freedom of conscience?
You are trying to create a condition of liberty not given by Scripture. Not being led into sin is her right, but, that doesn't open up unbiblical options. As far as apostasy, if the woman is led into apostasy, then she is not saved. Born again believers do not become apostate.
If we are respecting her freedom of conscience, we then need to respect a sphere for her freedom and self-expression.
She doesn't have a "sphere of freedom and self expression," lol.
She's married.
It does not make sense for any individual to have free moral agency without a sphere of freedom to learn to make moral choices in this life.
Where do you get that married Christian women have "free moral agency?" They are bound to the principles taught in Scripture. Making moral choices are the only choices you have to make. If you don't then you sin, right?
And what constitutes what is moral is taught us in Scripture.
Further, why should women be entrusted with teaching the young and having incredible power of the formation of their minds, language, socialization, sense of trust and security and development of morality?
Because they do it all the time, lol. Women are important in the formation of children's minds, that is why created man and woman. Both are important in this process, which is one reason, perhaps, God wants the woman married to the unbeliever not to leave. I don't care what anyone says, children usually fare better when they have their real mom and dad. I don't mean in extreme conditions, where the man eats the woman and children, or is into drugs, what have you. I mean in the routine normality of marriage.
If the man is a heathen, then it is even more important for the mother to teach her children Biblical Morality. I don't think any mom has ever been upset that her children waited until marriage to have intimate relations, didn't have children out of wedlock, or knew right from wrong.
How can they be trusted with this but yet they also need to be treated like children themselves?
Its a false argument. If women, or a woman, is being treated like a child...that has nothing to do with a Biblical relationship. That women are entrusted with teaching children shows a respect for them. Anyone chosen to teach the Bible receives a great honor, as well as a great responsibility, because teachers will be judged greater than students.
Isn't this like the blind leading the blind?
Not at all. Its just disrespect that is not warranted.
So can I guess you are a woman married to an atheist? Were you saved prior to being married? After? Are you okay in your marriage to an atheist? Is he trying to lead you into sin and apostasy? If so, you can refuse to do that which violates the principles of Scripture. Your submission to Christ takes precedence. Doesn't mean you can throw your "knowledge" in his face, but you can, with humility, decline that which violates your conscience. But I would suggest that you know, from Scripture (and be able to show him), that which you present as a violation.
God bless.