So why do we call them worship leaders? Are we saying that only the music is worship?
This is the whole issue, in my opinion.
If you gather a congregation for any purpose whatsoever, they'll only say they "worshipped" if there was singing.
Bible study, preaching, food drive, clothing drive, prayer walk, none of that TRUE worship is called "worship" and sure isn't led by any so-called worship leader.
I told my pastor that if he were to call every person he knows who's ever been considered a worship leader, and invite them to so-and-so's house for worship, every one would show up with a musical instrument.
I've been asked why I don't "follow along" with a so-called worship leader's prompting, such as standing or raising hands or closing eyes, etc....
My response is when that guy (or gal) learns that worship is much more than simply music, and starts leading real worship, I'll follow along.
Until then, don't pretend you're leading, and I won't pretend to follow