,In reading all the posts on this thread so far, I'll offer my $0.02 on some things I've read in a lot of these posts:
1) Do some of you even "preview" your posts before you "submit" them??
Obviously some of you don't. Either that or your "Spell Check" doesn't work. I can't recall any other thread that has so many misspelled words as this one has had.
2) Some of you don't seem to have a clue as to what a complete sentence is.
Some of you need to go back and read some of your "sentences." I had a hard time trying to figure out what some of you were trying to tell me in some of your sentences.
I don't know any of your levels of education, but if you used the same sentence structure and/or syntax and/or misspelling in your seminary papers, I don't thing you would have made the highest possible grade in many of your seminary classes. [NOTE: WPE3BQL never went to a seminary, mainly because he never received the "call to preach." OTOH he did manage to stumble through a Bible "Institute," a Bible college with a BA in Bible & Religious Education, and through a state university with an MA in History.]
Now, more to a topic that has been brought up about how much (or little) the "average" BC member knows about what his/her church is supposed to advocate.
In all my close to 50 years of being a member of God's family, I've never been a member of an SBC church, so I'm not familiar with much of their polity regarding how much an "average" member is supposed to know about things such as a church's constitution and/or bylaws and/or its "Statement of Faith."
OTOH, all the churches of which I was/am a member had something quite similar to the "Statement of Faith" that has been mentioned in previous postings in this thread. How much the "average" church member actually knew or practiced all of its tenets I couldn't tell you.
In my close to 50 years as a member of God's family, I was affiliated with five basically IFB churches. Some were quite strict about what they expected me to know about joining that IFB church, and some weren't so strict.
One church had a requirement that I first meet with the pastor and/or some deacons subsequent to having filled out and signed a general "application form" on which I had to give a summary of my salvation experience and in what areas of service I'd be willing to serve.
After interviewing me on that, they then would decide if I "passed muster" according to what they deemed as a "suitable" for membership in their church body. Evidently I did, because the "church body" voted to accept me into their fold. In my 3-4 years with that church, I served as a helper in their bus ministry, in their AWANAs, a substitute SS teacher, and as a helper in their A/V system.
The church of which I'm now a member (
www.lighthouseministries.org ) required me to attend at least a couple "Prospective Member" classes. (I don't recall it having been an actual six weeks' course, but that was 20 years ago, and my memory isn't as good as it was "back then." :smilewinkgrin
Some classes did cover basic Bible doctrines with which the pastor believed were important enough for prospective members to know. Many times he'd devote 10-15 minutes for a "Q and A" session during which we could ask him to clarify something that he covered in that class, or just things a person wished to have the pastor's input.
After attending at least a couple of the classes, I asked him if he believed that I was sufficiently "grounded in the Bible, etc.," to be presented to the church body as what we call a "covenant member." He said yes, and at the end of that morning's corporate worship services, WPE3BQL was voted in as a "covenant member."
What's a "covenant member"? Basically it's an agreement sanctioned by Scripture between me as an individual and the church body. I agreed, to the best of my abilities, to uphold the basic doctrines of the Bible/church; the church body also "agreed" to encourage me in what areas I may become weak and "come by my side" whenever I, as an integral member of the body, needed help---be it spiritual, emotional, financially, or physically.
Praise be to God that, so far, I haven't had any major financial problems.
They more than encourage me spiritually and emotionally by attending the SS classes, the corporate services, and the "Life Group" of which I'm a member. (My "physical" family is spread out all over the US---from PA, to FL, to AZ, & me in TN. I'm single/never married so I don't have a wife or children. That's why this church is my "family.")
Since 2011, I've been handicapped due to a stroke. This is where they've helped me physically. One man installed another stair railing to help me climb my stairway. He also installed a set of handle bars in both of my condo's bathrooms to help me maneuver around when I need to do so.
Moreover, for the 3-4 months during which the physical therapists "grounded" me, my "family" brought me meals and drove me to/from various doctor appointments as well as to/from church or "Life Group" meetings---not because they "had to," but because they
wanted to, even if it meant driving several miles out of their way to do so.
I can't speak for any of you on BB, but I thank God that He has allowed me the great privilege to be affiliated with such a wonderful "family" as the one He's given me right here in 37013!! :godisgood: