No, I was just referring to the fact that instead of listening and finding common ground, he persists in shutting off every dissenting opinion, instead resorting to these pejorative and unfounded responses. It was begging the comparison.
Mr. Wade, I hope you have a great day.
I've erred before in this respect & it is easy to do; its what political correctness is all about... the so called 'critical thinking' that our kids... & even ourselves have come to practice... where we (w/o realizing it) actually are questioning our values & inclined to compromise.
.....but, seeing sin in the light of God... it is rebellion, pure & simple: there is no common ground for dialogue w/ the devil: We should follow the pattern Jesus set... he gave an answer but he didn't engage in a discussion.
When we chose to discuss positions about sin w/ the one who has a particular sin... the 'common ground' is often not 'common' at all..... it is based upon Biblical foundational principals which some refuse to accept... and it is that very ground we stand on & give up to dialogue while another is seeking to justify his sin:
True, we all have sinned & fall short of the glory of God: But is it the sinner who justifies his sin or is it Christ who justifies the sinner? If Christ has truly justified the sinner...He did so out of grace & mercy, saying "Go & sin no more." Nowhere in scripture does Jesus justify sin. If a sinner has been justified by our Lord, and received the benefit of salvation, the COSTLY grace & mercy of God.... why does he (the "saved" sinner) yet attempt to justify his own sin, continue to identify with it through practice & defense?
But, concerning performances in a church which may involve renting facilities for other purposes, I propose the following consideration:
Our laws & our government is not like it was just a few years ago..... where a person or a body of people had broader freedoms to choose with whom they would freely associate with. There are local & state ordinances & regulations now being imposed upon businesses & organizations, including the church, which make certain demands under specific conditions: Before condemning a particular church or ministry, perhaps it might do us well to investigate to see if the case is that such was the result of legal force, coerced, or threatened w/ suit upon refusal to rent to another. We have not taken a stand in the past over such government intrusion into the church's own territory: we haven't covered for our neighbor.. the same rights which we ourselves desire... when his turf, his morality, his doctrine ...was different from our own .... but was not the issue concerning protecting all our rights: We have difficulty even making a distinction: If we have failed already to walk with the footman... as times become more difficult & the persecution of the Church becomes more intense... how can we be expected to run w/ the horsemen?
Personally, I believe the church has the right to accept whom it will & reject whom it will: Government should not interfere nor be used to threaten or regulate. Scripturally, I think it is wrong for a body to give the appearance of condoning a lifestyle of sin which is against the word of God, by bringing it into its ministry or leadership: A singer/ entertainer/ preacher/ or teacher, etc., (i.e. who is a practicing sodomite) should not be allowed to minister to its people. But then this begs a question: What about 'groups' like AA and Al anon? What about allowing tea-party meetings?.... Here the question might revolve around.... is the church offering its facilities as a service to special needs & purposes within its community as separate from its own particular ministry... or is it actively engaging in its promotion? ......Now, do you see how confusing "dialogue" can get.... when a simple straight forward stand would be easier. Actually the decisions should be easier.... if the church still has the rights that it did in 1900, where it could allow that which it allowed & reject that which it choose to reject: What, here, is the problem? If God has given us our rights... then our rights given by God are above any specific recognition in our constitution. If this is so.... then where is the church as these rights are being slowly eroded & infringed upon? Where is the church when its a school in a neighboring district? Where will be the church when it is a family in the neighborhood who wishes to home-school their children? Where is the church on campuses which discriminate against passing Christian's who have made the grade in their education w/o conforming to the globalist worldview? Where is the wealth of those in the church body... who continue to give their beneficiaries to foundations or research which supports the deceptive lies of socialism, deceptive science, false economics? No one of us can be everywhere.... but the church has its primary purpose to in everything it does... to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ & to minister the message of salvation to the lost: Second & accessory to this calling is disciplining Christians in the areas of each ones talents & gifts into an active, fire-y ministry of his or her calling to be salt & light at work & in the community, to believers first, but to those who do not believe also...the mission field in our own back yard. The purpose of fellowship & church extends beyond that of worship, preaching & teaching.... to that of encouraging one another.... & that also may mean to back up one another when oppression threatens or comes.