It's very clear, the RCC purposely undermines God's authority Given to His Word--they will never say Scripture is the Very Word of God because they want the preeminence. They want the authority.
Not only is scripture inspired. God is the author of scripture, ALL scripture is like one book and this book is Christ.
Scripture is GOD-BREATHED.
Word of God is absolutely true. It states the authority of the church to bind and loose. Meaning it has the power to forbid and permit with indisputable authority.
No where does it state as a rule that the final and only authority rests with scriptures. The claim is made that it does, we simply say show us the bible verse for this.
Scripture is correct, Check.
Scripture is protected by God, Check
Scripture is always right, Check.
Scripture is helpful. Check
Scripture has the material sufficient to lead a person to salvation, check.
God could have just as well written the bible in front of my face, check.
Even one page of scripture can be sufficient, check.
Even if someone mistakenly believed SCRIPTURE was the final and only authority, they can still be saved, check.
Yet no where is this fake rule that people claim to be biblical. It is neither taught explicitly nor implicitly.
It is a false tradition of man that is completely unbiblical. If I am wrong you have the easiest job in the world, simply state the teaching that clarifies it.
The teaching does not exist. So the best people do is dance around the claim by providing scripture for things we are not even challenging.
I ask is the car blue?
Well it has an engine!
Is the car blue?
It has tires.
Is the car blue?
it has a steering wheel
Is the car blue?
what do you have against cars?
Nothing, is it blue?
Yes it is.
Show me the color.
See these windows roll up.