I actually believe your position best represents the Catholic pov....No need to believe on Jesus Christ, just love God your own way and do some good deeds. Other Catholics here are dancing around this, but I bet they agree with you. Let's ask them! All Catholics here, do you agree with Utilyan that a person can reject Jesus is the Son of God and still be saved by their love for God and others?
Sure you can be saved, You are the first example that comes to mind.
I believe you reject Jesus when you state Love God and Love Neighbor is not necessary for Salvation.
But I also believe the ignorance is at fault rather then your intention, You are good person, Loyal to God, I think you are mistaken, just don't know better.
We see in parable of talents and of the wicked servant, God gives a particular measure of faith to everyone, to whom more is given much more is expected.
Acts 17
27that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’
Here Paul expresses to PAGANS that they are children of God, He is quoting PAGAN SCRIPTURE.
He tells us in verse before:
"having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,"
God has absolute control of the conditions.
If you were born a Eskimo tribe in the middle of nowhere's, You want to convince me that I ought to fault you as a rejector of Jesus.
The guy who is closer to truth is in a hotter seat. Between me and you I got to believe I got it coming more than anyone here.
Maybe you can explain this verse for us, because the way I see it Jesus is very reasonable:
John 15
22“If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.
You can barely call me a christian some folks here would insist I am not, I love Jesus.
If I went to preached the word to someone does it qualify at all? Folks here would swear I got it all wrong. Yet you want to qualify folks as rejecting Jesus when they have no grip of your understanding, You can't even get your understanding across to ME even.
A Buddhist went to watch "Grinch from Christmas" He thought the Grinch must be Jesus Christ, because they were taught wise folks looked like monkeys.
So if he rejects the Monkey as Lord and Savior, you going to fault him for that?
Even My view of what you think God is, absolute unforgiving monster, and maybe what I think of God to you is horrible and wrong.
Just because you might reject what I presented as God, doesn't mean you reject God. Ultimately I think we come face to face with Jesus and those matters are settled there.