Article is a scare-mongering piece.
From the article: Governments never give up power once attained.
Are you seriously suggesting that we won't be able to congregate in groups of more than 10 people when this is over?
Are you seriously suggesting that retailers, including gun retailers, will not be allowed to open again?
Are you suggesting pastors will continue to be arrested for holding services after the pandemic passes?
Are you suggesting some products previously sold in the USA will not be allowed to be sold after the pandemic passes?
This is what the article is suggesting. You posted the article. I presume you endorse it.
Also from the article:
Is the Coronavirus pandemic serious enough to warrant putting much of the nation’s population into house imprisonment, or wreaking the economy for an indefinite period of time, or prohibiting worshipers from attending their churches, synagogues or mosques, or outlawing freedom of assembly and travel, or destroying businesses that have taken years to build up, or saddling future generations with unfathomable debt? The nation is choosing to plunge millions of people into depression, heart attacks, suicide and unbelievable distress, though they are not especially vulnerable and will only suffer mild symptoms or none at all.
This is what a police state is like. It is a nation in which the government can issue orders and edicts or convey preferences with no legal authority. Yet, it appears the majority of the American people are willing to sacrifice their freedoms and way of life in order to empower such a potential police state in the guise of conquering a pandemic. Governments never give up power once attained. They only seek to normalize it and now they have in their toolbox the knowledge that the citizenry will meekly acquiesce to any national emergency being declared an existential crisis which requires government to unconstitutionally impose its will on the people.
The author is posing the problem of government assuming authorization to impose police state measures whenever it decides. He is not claiming that the measures themselves will remain in force at this time.
Some of the current measures may very well curtail basic constitutional rights to an unconstitutional degree, in which case they need to be vigorously litigated and defeated.
An essential component of US government is consent of the governed. If the people are falsely led to believe they have no choice, or that the alternative to freedom is preferable, if the people lose their sense of responsibility to vigilance, that will spell doom for our constitutional republic. Perhaps there are cases where government willingly gives up power, but that of our own has grown tremendously since its inception.
If government only relaxes power, it is claiming to yet have that power.