Travis Martin’s dad after dealing with yet another ploy from the cops to cover their miss judgment and subsequent action of turning a menace to society lose:
Listen to his last words: What’s the “real” answer? Hmm??? Key question folks!!! The grounding factor to the cause of this young man’s death which Zimmerman should be held responsible for but is so willingly overlooked because of the pursuing political jargon! A cause far outweighing the reactions and poor judgments of a “17 year old, yes child in my eyes” teenager who was being followed and then assaulted by this egotistical menacing wannabe cowboy!
Listen to his last words: What’s the “real” answer? Hmm??? Key question folks!!! The grounding factor to the cause of this young man’s death which Zimmerman should be held responsible for but is so willingly overlooked because of the pursuing political jargon! A cause far outweighing the reactions and poor judgments of a “17 year old, yes child in my eyes” teenager who was being followed and then assaulted by this egotistical menacing wannabe cowboy!