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  1. R


    "Whatever terms you use, the NIV and the NLT are fundamentally different and must be kept in separate categories." (Taken from Bill Mounce's article Do Formal Equivalent Translations Reflect A Higher View Of Plenary Verbal Inspiration?)
  2. R

    The Biggest Threat of the Coronavirus

    Gov. Andrew Cuomo just said that 40% to 80% of New York State could be infected. That's 7.8 to 15 million people. New York City has a population of not 8 million as I said above, but 9 million. It's going to be worse than I projected. He has asked the Army Corps Of Engineers to erect temporary...
  3. R

    if we hold to Verbal inerrancy, should we not use Formal translations?

    Bill Mounce Nov. 8, 2019 Words, and Word of God. Snippets will follow from his blog. "Some say that because Scripture is the Word of God, then we are required to translate word for word. I believe in verbal plenary inspiration. This means that God's inspiration extends to all (;plenary') the...
  4. R

    ESV vs. NRSV

    In fact it makes no sense in English, your foreign language.
  5. R

    Is the KJV shown proper respect by avoiding the truth?

    Two different threads and two simple questions that I have addressed to you. But you are refusing to answer. That shows a lack of integrity and demonstrates your guilt. What have got against honesty Y-1? Should a child of God go around bearing false witness as you have done? Of course not. But...
  6. R

    The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

    This is now the 5th time I have asked Y-1 to answer the simple question above. But it is not his nature to be honest and face his fictions.
  7. R

    Is the KJV shown proper respect by avoiding the truth?

    "It's very to discuss" huh? You are an inveterate bigtime fibber. Address your numbers 1,2,3,4, and 5. Provide documentation from the text of the NIV to establish your claims. Since you have never, and shall never, it's time to confess your sad of history of deceit regarding this matter. You...
  8. R

    ESV vs. NRSV

    I'll take the 2 second version for $50.00 Alex.
  9. R

    Is the KJV shown proper respect by avoiding the truth?

    As usual, evasion is your normal way of behaving. You addressed absolutely none of your five completely false allegations against the NIV. You keep railing against KJVOism and insist they are wrong. Yet you haven't looked in the mirror and owned up to your mountains of junk against the NIV over...
  10. R

    ESV vs. NRSV

    Three choices?
  11. R

    Is the KJV shown proper respect by avoiding the truth?

    When will you admit your continual promulgation of falsehood with respect to the NIV? You have said among other things regarding the NIV : I) It confuses the roles the roles of men and women 2) It is a feminizing translation 3) It advocates women as pastors 4) It promotes women as elders 5)...
  12. R

    The Common English Bible

    Oh my imputed righteousness! That rendering in the CEB is surely serious enough to warrant its condemnation....[sarcasm off] First of all, the verse is Genesis 1:14. Secondly, other translations use the same term in that verse : CJB, NABRE and the NRSV. The LEB has "vaulted dome." Most...
  13. R

    Is the KJV shown proper respect by avoiding the truth?

    Do not quote any other post of mine in the future unless you deal with the content.
  14. R


    The following quotes are from D.A. Carson's article in the book The Challenge Of Bible Translation : "....Translation is an inexact discipline that involves compromise ---give and take ---and that there are subtleties in the source text that demand the most careful evaluation about how best to...
  15. R


    I posed the above question to Y-1. But, as usual, he will avoid it.
  16. R


    The Good News Bible is rather defunct by now I would think. A more appropriate and contemporary comparison would be that : The NIV is more literal than the NLT.
  17. R

    Is the KJV shown proper respect by avoiding the truth?

    As I have told you before : your links are broken chains. Most of the time you haven't taken the time to read them. Many times they are completely irrelevant. Many times no specifics which you have lobbed are contained in the articles. Many times the links have supported my view. What I have...
  18. R


    You had said that my postings have basically compromised your comprehension skills. I said in reply that proper spelling and grammar confuse you.
  19. R

    Is the KJV shown proper respect by avoiding the truth?

    All the specifics you have thrown at the NIV are not found in the text of the NIV. You can't get around that basic fact. You have never proven from the text of the NIV any of your reckless accusations. And that is quite the shame for a professing Christian --years on end.
  20. R


    Proper spelling and grammar confuse you.