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  1. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    Dear community, I will contact the TBS Society regarding this issue and report as soon as possible. Shawn
  2. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    I believe in every word is inspired in the A.V, that includes Unicorns, Satyrs, and Dragons.
  3. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    Dosen't matter, the Latin is right sometimes.
  4. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    Peradventure it was a misprint, or that's how grammar worked in 1611. Every title/jot puntucation mark matters.
  5. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    Dear community, I would like to note when I say new versions attack the deity is not saying it dosen't support the deity in places. What I am saying is that there are places its lowered and changed. Beza was well aware that the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ was the same person. The...
  6. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Yes, we need to study the Bible. The KJB is easier to read than the NIV, and not every easy to read Bible is safe.
  7. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Thanks for sharing, though most of these words I already knew the vocabulary. There is no issue, define with context/studying. The English language is getting worse and worse. Also, governor to pilot, that's something not everyone knoweth either. Pilots would be first thought of as airplane...
  8. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    There is no issue with using Latin, as it was based on good Latin before Jerome. Anyways, there was Greek that did show up as an manuscript with what Eramsus put.
  9. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Good day, Au revoir
  10. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Yes, and so did many people back when the 1700s and back then, most of it was already archaic.
  11. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    I am not going to argue with you all, agree to disagree. I have no issue with the KJB English, even if I did, I will study it using English. I do not speak Greek or Hebrew. Have a good day.
  12. Saved421

    An Even Closer Look at God’s Election

    Interesting, and good points.
  13. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    There was a very good article on this issue I discovered a while back, I will have to find it again.
  14. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    The English grammar in all those verses clearly shew The Lord Jesus Christ as God
  15. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    As I said, I am not discussing this anymore. There is ample evidece supporting this on the web.
  16. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Its very hard for to find dictionaries online here. I would like to note Gail isn't infaillable. Regarding Unicorns and mansions, they are still used with the same meaning in parts of the world. There is no issue with the English. The Lord Jesus Christ went to prepare a very nice place for...
  17. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Its also important to note the KJB translators were very knowledgable about Greek/Hebrew/Latin and many other languages. They also had resources that are no more avail, as well being able to read the manuscripts without needing a Lexicon to explain it in English. They knew these languages...
  18. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Note: Reformation translators were against going to the original languages but instead reading the English. Comparing within the Bible to define words.
  19. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Dear community, I think its important to note that The KJB's English is British English not American English. Second, I have seen/heard these archaic words being used in real life, mostly in documentaries and videos. Its interestingly to note that many of these old terms are still used in the...