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  1. Saved421


    Thanks for replying, YouTube is unavaiable, anyway. Take care, Shawn
  2. Saved421

    An Even Closer Look at God’s Election

    I will study this further, though I do agree that there is an 'elect' who are those who God knew who would be saved.
  3. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    Also known as an 'hendiady.'
  4. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    Good afternoon, Some articles I found regarding 'Sharp Rule.' https://pastorwagner.com/sermons/God-and-our-saviour-Jesus-Christ/ https://www.preservedwords.com/bp/jameswhitetitus213.html And its not true that pre-sharp didn't realize that the Greek was referring to one person. Have a good...
  5. Saved421


    Hello, Thanks for sharing this, is this about the fall of Lucifer or some video about Lucifer's name not being correct? Let me note, I can't access the video, anyhow, have a good day. Shawn
  6. Saved421


    Yea, I was. Have a great day! PS: Amen, Jesus loves us.
  7. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    As for me, I will not be contiuning this discussion, anyway as long saved by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, then all is well. I can't make anyone or foce anyone to believe any of this. Have a great day! Au revoir Shawn
  8. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    1 Chron 20:3 NKJV is not following the KJB but followed the Critical Text. https://www.biblechristiansofgod.com/new-king-james-version-exposed https://brandplucked.com/kjbarticles.htm There are many examples where the NKJV is not the same. Shawn
  9. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    https://www.tbsbibles.org/page/DoesTheNKJVLiveUpToItsClaims?h Article about NKJV using Critical text.
  10. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    I used to believe that but by God's grace, that hath being debunked. He used some Greek text, and anyhow, there is no issue with using the Latin when the Greek is corrupted
  11. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    No issue, just study it out. Just like any other book/hymn that is 'old.' About Green Sharp: overview of pure Bible verses that Granville Sharp sought to "correct"
  12. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    There are alot of good articles that will explain all of the above. The marginal notes in the 1611 was to shew that they knew the alternatives and rejected them. I have seen many times when the previous versions had the same words used in the Modern Versions. No, Revelation last six versions...
  13. Saved421

    Peter’s Tomb desecration

    Yes, I know. I meant this discussion was about the above news link
  14. Saved421

    Ready To Harvest - What Christian Denominations Most Like Catholics

    Dear Oseas, this is irrevlant to the video. I am unable to watch it but its probably about what it said in title: What denominations are most like Catholics. Most likely Anglicans/Espic, Lutherans, etc. Shawn
  15. Saved421

    An Even Closer Look at God’s Election

    If I be lifted from the earth, will draw all men.
  16. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    Oh, my apologies, anyhow why did KJB have sodomites?
  17. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    I would like to add the KJB is noted for its language style and wording according to the Greek/Hebrew. I am pretty sure our is infront of Jesus Christ in Grk, and it still the same thing. aAbout GS: www.bibleprotector.com/forum • View topic - The errors of the Granville Sharp rules
  18. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    No, there is nothing new to be learnt from the Hebrew/Greek or the Biblical English. Prevent is pre-event, there us no issue, and so is spoil. Please note, the KJB is not common English, probably will find less archiac words in pre-1611 versions. The King's English is Bible English that is...
  19. Saved421

    Modern use of the term Idolatry

    Their God is their belly.
  20. Saved421

    Peter’s Tomb desecration

    Dear Oseas, As much as I am not a Catholic, that's misinterepting the word. The angels are gathering the tares, and anyhow. We should be like Paul, rebuking peacefully with meekness, kindness. Also, what thou hast posted is irrevlant to the dicussion. Cathode, yes, its unacceptable that...